Thorin’s Hope Ch. 2 WIP–Umay Attends the Dwarf Women’s Festival, 9/15/11 GratianaDS90 (Post #15)

Thorin’s Hope is an adapted story (Fan Fiction) copyrighted by GratianaDS90, 9/15/11  (No copyright infringment intended.)

Author’s Note:

Last Thursday, Sept. 8th, I started sharing the fan fiction I’ve written loosely based on the JRR Tolkien book “The Hobbit”.  Ch. 0 & 1 are found at  But apart from making oblique references to some of it’s general plot points–a quest, etc.–this story bears little if any resemblance to that book.  So, Hobbit purists, back off.  Ha!    Oh, and great thanks to TORN ( and RANet ( for thier wonderful resources.

I’ve written six chapters so far and this week’s installment is Chapter 2.  Our story continues with Thorin’s wife Umay’s (pronounced ooh-MY)  life after he leaves on his quest and she awaits the birth of their first child.


Thorin’s Hope Ch.  2 WIP– Umay Attends the Dwarf Women’s Festival (PG-13)

Quests such as Thorin’s and his dwarf comrades–to vanquish the dragon Smaug and reclaim the wealth of Erebor–involve heart and courage.  But it is also the heart and courage of their loved ones left behind that make these quests possible–and meaningful.  For what are the dwarf men questing for if not to make their loved ones’ safe and secure?  For Umay–married as a young dwarf maid of 60 years these 25 years ago to Thorin–and now bearing his child at the young age of 85 years–her heart and courage will be sorely tested.  Umay [right] must await her child’s birth for six months all alone–without the joyful expectant planning that she would normally engage in were her husband Thorin at her side.

And due to Umay’s tender years–she is fully 15 years younger than the majority of dwarf women who give birth to their first child at 100 years–her health is in jeopardy.  And Umay knows this risk.  But if her Thorin is risking his life for her and their village community, Umay reasons that she can do no less in giving their child life–even if the child’s coming takes her own life.  So, Umay is uncertain what her future holds for her, for her husband Thorin, and for their child.  But, as her name implies, Umay has hope for a loving future as a loving family–with she, Thorin, and their child together.

Almost as soon as the dwarf men of the village left to go on their quest, the women left behind rallied around each other.   That very day a Dwarf Women’s Festival is held–this event does not occur often because the men usually clucked their intolerance at such feminine frivolities.  The festival contains booths of homemade clothing and linens with delicate embroidery, booths of specialty dwarf foods whose recipes are guarded fiercely, booths of other home ware needs, and game booths for the children.

Everyone takes a turn selling goods, food, or fun at one of the booths as well as donating an item for sale at a booth.  Umay–whose needlework is praised despite her tender years–has donated a delicately embroidered dwarf woman’s blouse of periwinkle flowers around a sweetheart neckline.  The blouse itself was made by her 50 years older neighbor friend Elienne–whose husband Dwalin is also away on the quest.  Umay stands at the clothing booth and greets her friend.

Umay:  “Hello, Elienne.  Have you come to inspect my embroidery and see if it matches the beauty of the blouse you made?”  Umay smiles impishly.

Elienne:  “Nay, Umay dear.  Your embroidery is always so lovely–it is the making of this blouse.”  She says holding it up [right] for others to see and admire.  And several dwarf women nod their head approvingly.

Hegara:  Even older still at 175, Hegara [right] finds fault with the blouse made more lovely by her rival for Thorin’s attention 25 years ago, Umay.  “Blue is not a color I would have chosen, nor periwinkles the flower.  They are nothing special.”

Elienne:  Seeking to smooth over any hurt feelings on Umay’s part, Elienne [right] says  “Now Hegara, just because you favor yellow daffodils for yourself is no reason to insult Umay’s beautiful needlework.  She is without compare.”

Umay:  Blushing at her friend Elienne’s defense of her and her kind remarks, she says graciously, “Hegara I would be happy to embroider something of your own choosing in the design and color you wish.”

Hegara:  “No need!:  Hegara huffs and stomps away her overly sturdy legs.)

Talin:  A stout dwarf boy of 10, Talin walks up to Elienne and asks her,  “Mama, why does Hegara frown and fuss so?  She is never happy.”

Elienne:  Elienne and Umay share a knowing glance, then his mother says,  “Talin my son, women are a mystery–that does not always need to be solved.”  Elienne’s view of life tends to reflect her wisdom of many years.  She and Umay both laugh.

Talin:  “If you says so, Mama.”  (He smiles at her warmly and walks toward a bowling game booth.)

Umay:  “You have a fine son in Talin, Elienne.  He must be a comfort to you now that Dwalin is gone on the quest.” She says with a voice tinged with sadness for her own husband’s leave taking.

Elienne:  “Aye, Talin is a comfort–as your own babe will be when it is born.”  She says with a twinkle in her eye.

Umay:  Gasping, Umay asks Elienne, “But how did you know?  I was only certain of it last week.”  Umay unconsciously places her hands on her belly.

Elienne:  “Well Umay, you’ve been holding your belly protectively for several weeks now.”  Umay smiles sheepishly at her inability to keep her secret.  “So, might you be two months along?”

Umay:  “I think it must be three months.”  Umay says with a triumphant smile.  “It has been that long since I bled.

Elienne:  Giving Umay a hug, but also knowing of Umay’s tender years for her being pregnant, she says “Now you must take every precaution not to strain yourself, Umay.   You must let us help you now.  No lifting of any kind.

Umay:  “But …”

Elienne:  Interrupting her, she says  “You are a bit young to be with child, my dear.  I know you know this.”

Umay:  Umay nods her head.  “But Thorin has waited so long for a family–an heir.  I could not deny him this babe when he and the others are putting their lives in peril for us.”  Umay’s eyes tear up at the thought that her Thorin might be harmed.

Elienne:  “Umay, does Thorin know of the babe?”  She asks in a concerned tone that is emphasized by her caring look.

Umay:  “Aye.”  Umay smiles sheepishly.  “I could not keep it from him any longer and told him before we parted.”

Elienne:  “And Thorin’s reaction?”  She asks hesitantly.

Umay:  “What husband wouldn’t be pleased?”  Seeing Elienne’s pointed expression asking for details she says “Thorin lifted me up into his arms and twirled me around merrily.”  Umay smiles broadly.  “He had not the smallest clue that our love had already produced a child when last night we … Hhhhh!   Loved each other well.”  Umay sighs with the remembrance of her and Thorin’s passionate lovemaking.  And she blushes acutely.

Elienne:  “Ah.”  Elienne smiles knowingly–because she and Dwalin also loved each other well last night.  “Then you must make doubly certain to take care of  yourself and the babe.”  Then and idea springs to her mind.  “I will send you Talin to be your helpmate while Thorin is gone.  He’s a strong boy and can do the physical labor around the house–carrying water and such.”

Umay:  “Oh Elienne!  That is a lovely thought.  But what of you?  Won’t you need him, too?”  Umay now looks at her friends round belly with a knowing glance.

Elienne:  “Ha!  I guess we both had secrets.”  They laugh as she pats her pregnant belly.  “I am also three months gone.  But we can share the boy.  I will send him to your home after mid day and until supper.  That way he can help you with chores and you won’t be lonely.  And you must sup with us each evening.”  For even a modest dwelling home[right] that Thorin and Umay share requires physical exertion in its tending.

Umay:  “Elienne, you are too generous!  I can not eat your food, too.”

Elienne:  “Umay, I am only thinking of myself–wanting to have more women in the house for a change since I am outnumbered when Dwalin is home with Talin.”  She says graciously to put Umay at her ease.

Umay:  “If you insist.”  She smiles conspiratorially at her friend.   “But I will only join you if I may provide part of the meal as well.”

Elienne:  “Done!  I just hope this one is a girl.”  She says patting her tummy.  “And you Umay, what babe do you   hope for?”

Umay:  “Although I dearly want a girl child some day, I hope this babe may be Thorin’s son and heir–to carry on his name and lineage.”

Elienne:  “That is right and proper.”  She nods approvingly.  “Well Umay, if we two with child wives are to pamper ourselves, I venture to say that we should stroll past the food booth.”

Umay:  “Aye, my stomach cries out for food mightly more and more these days.  Let us be off, Elienne.”

They both laugh and then stroll arm in arm toward the food booth where they greedily consume some fruit and some sweet breads–delicacies usually recommended for mothers to be.

To be continued with Chapter 3


Image References (updated 3/015/12)

Note:  I had later found images I liked to represent the women characters, so I embed them here for you now as illustrations of the story.  3/15/12GL

Image used to represent Umay by Titian (cropped from original) is found at

Image used to represent Hegara is by the Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel and was found, 2011, at

Image representing Elienne (cropped), 2011, was found at

Image representing Thorin’s and Umay’s cottage home, 2011.

About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
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11 Responses to Thorin’s Hope Ch. 2 WIP–Umay Attends the Dwarf Women’s Festival, 9/15/11 GratianaDS90 (Post #15)

  1. GratianaDS90 says:

    This is a test comment by Gratiana. “Thorin’s Hope: A Love Story”, Chapter 2 was posted for 9/15/11–Thorin Thursday.


  2. fabi says:

    Hi Grati,
    The Dwarf Women’s Festival seems so lovely – handcraft, food, friendship. I used to do some cross-stitch years ago, it’s so relaxing and gave me the chance to give fine personalized gifts to family/friends. Beautiful blouse, BTW. I think currently few women know how (or have time ) to make wonders like that.
    I know you don’t follow Tolkien’s canon, but I remember that in the books dwarfs are great metalworkers, smiths and stoneworkers, so we can suppose dwarf women are equally skilled in all kinds of female crafts like embroidery, needlework, cookery, etc. :)


    • GratianaDS90 says:

      Hi Fabi,

      Thanks for your nice note. I, too, learned the womanly arts of embroidery, cross stitch, needlepointing, and sewing, etc., growing up. And in my adulthood, I’ve taught myself to quilt–under the guidance of some wonderfully talented ladies–though I don’t get time to work on my projects much. Working with fabrics and thread to create something new that didn’t exist before you created it is both exhilarating and a creative outlet.

      These days my writing is my creative outlet. But I hope to return to a lovely Winter Holidays 6 foot dining table runner that I’m quilting by hand. I’m cheating a bit by this quilt project not being a “piecework” design. Instead, the fabric has a lovely background printed pattern of cream and gold with snow laden pine boughs with cherries, and birds holding holly in their mouths. I’m hand quilting around each bird/bough/holly design which gives it a 3D effect. But oh my, it will take me forever! Ha! But, when I do get back to it from time to time, I get into almost a Zen state of peace and calm making my tiny stitches by hand. I have a hoop stand, but I usually just end up popping the hoop out of it’s frame and hand sew with the fabric falling all over my lap–it’s easier on my back that way.

      And back to the Dwarf women, with their long years they would become accomplished at whatever skill and talent they set their minds to develop–just as with the Dwarf men.

      Cheers! Grati ;->


  3. fabi says:

    Wow Grati, you could post a pic here when you have such wonderful work finished!


  4. fabi says:

    Hi Grati,
    It’s simply wondrous! I thought quilt was more similar to patchwork, but yours is a quite delicate work. Only in close up I can see some stitches. Congratulations!
    Thanks for the pics and have a nice week. :D


  5. GratianaDS90 says:

    HI Fabi,

    Much of quilting is in the patchwork stye. And there are wonderful names for various “established” patterns–like “Drunkereds Path”. Ha! When I first started, I went to the extreme and created this wheel pattern of 3 inch diamond shaped pieces of blue and white patterned cloth that was really too hard for my first effort–not the last of which because you’re trying to line up all of the seams. This diamond wheel quilt will eventually form the middle of a quilted table cloth, perhaps.

    I did a few more patchwork pieces–such as a 4 inch square blocks table runner in pale green that matched a second kitchen window valance she bought that I cut up for the blocks. It kind of looks like a venn diagram in math with three overlapping diamonds of twelve squares each. I’ll have to get a picture of it the next time I visit her. I also made her matching oven mitts. And I’ve dabbled with making “quilted” kids clothing by getting stenciled paper and carefully machine showing the designs onto it–I did a tulip pattern on a skirt for my neice once. And I made my nephew a “tied” quilt blanket–that’s where you have a patterned top and bottom sheet and cotton batting in between held together with ties spaced about four inches apart so the layers don’t “move”. His quilt had large squares of bears wearing bow ties framed in multicolord rows. So for the pillow shams to match his quilt, I machine sewed the design around the bear and it’s bow tie, and then the rows of color framing the bear.

    But, I’ve mostly been a “hand” sewer with counted cross stitch and needple point and such. So, that’s why I like my current project quilting the holiday table runner–it’s just me, the fabric, and the thread. No electricity involved. Ha!

    I’m certainly no expert on quilting, nor the many styles of it–and I’ve only listed a smattering of quilting styles above, realizing just now that I hadn’t even mentioned applique quilting, which I’ve yet to try–but, you get the general idea about the breadth of types of quilting.

    Thanks for commenting. Cheers! Grati


  6. bccmee says:

    What a fun chapter. Even though the men are off to battle, it was a nice respite to see the festival in progress and get to know the women.


  7. GratianaDS90 says:

    Hi BccMee,

    Thanks for your note. The two other women introduced in Ch. 2–Umay’s friend Elienne and the midwife Hegara–will play a central role in Umay’s life in upcoming chapters, as does Elienne’s son Talin.

    And since Ch. 3 is short, I’ll probably also upload Ch. 4 this Thursday. That way, readers will get both Umay’s and then Thorin’s perspectives of their being apart at this critical time in their lives–with their first babe on the way.

    Thanks for reading. Cheers! Grati


  8. Pingback: Thorin’s Hope Ch. 3-4 Umay and Thorin’s Feelings about their Separation and their Coming Babe’s Birth, 9/22/11 GratianaDS90 (Post #17) | Something About Love (A)

  9. Pingback: Thorin’s Hope, Chapter 5: Umay attends Elienne’s Birthing One Week Later and is Chastened, 9/29/11 GratianaDS90 (Post #21) | Something About Love (A)

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