In Remembrance, 9/11/12 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #267)

It crept up on me–September 11th.  But for a dear friend gently reminding me, I might have gone about my day as usual–swimming, working, writing, puppy and husband wrangling, etc.  Sometimes it seems like I have too much on my plate and I can’t do it all.  But then I remember how fortunate I am–despite the difficulties.  As long as I draw breath, I have resolved to view life positively, to turn obstacles into challenges, to accept that my wants and needs do not always have to mesh, and to greet each day as a gift.

And then we have today, the 11th anniversary of the devastating attacks and loss of life in the U.S. on September 11th, 2001.   And this day is not just a U.S. commemoration, because thousands of people born in over 60 countries around the world lost their lives that day when the four planes crashed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania.

How does one turn something so heinous into a positive?  I confess that I am at a loss.  Because unlike other commemorative days that are celebrated as holidays with picnics and parades–Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, etc.–I and millions of others lived through this event not so very long ago.  No, we were not there.  But we saw the events unfold as they were broadcast around the world–holding our breaths, until our hope crashed to the ground with the Twin Towers collapse.   And chillingly, the experiences of those who were there haunt our memories.  In particular for me, the experiences of a Marine I met who had been stationed at the Pentagon at the time it was crashed into by one of the planes–he helped his co-workers flee the exploded and burning side of the building, he assisted the wounded to get to medical personnel at the makeshift aide stations set up on the grounds, and as a person studying to be a priest he prayed for the dead and those who would have to live on without them.   And then there were the gatherings of peoples in communities here and around the world to solemnly grieve for and honor the injured and the dead–and to support each other in our shock and despair.

I thought at the time, that I was glad that my father had not lived to see 9/11–he died in April of that year.  I still think that now.  I do not know that I would have had the heart to tell him what happened.  A World War II Pacific Theatre veteran who did not see combat because he was so young, my Dad was given the task to help rebuild communities ravaged by war by rebuilding roads and bridges and such.  And yet, that was not without its dangers as the shrapnel in his heel from an exploded land mine was evidence to.  But he never complained about it.  He only grudgingly spoke of his war experiences.  He just got on with it–got on with his life.  He was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan–the UP–where Midwestern and Michigander stoicism were his trademarks.  Perhaps, these are the lessons that I take from tragedies such as 9/11–that we do survive, that we will rebuild, and that we will get on with our lives.

But, we do not forget.  We solemnly remember and honor those killed or injured–and we say a prayer for them and their loved ones left behind.  And as I tell my friends who have lost a loved one to death’s sting, you are their legacy in the world.  We are their legacy in the world.  And though the years and decades may pass, we who lived through it are the memory keepers.

Last year, for the tenth anniversary of 9/11, I created a video of three poetry readings that I felt spoke to the devastation, the loss of life, and the will to recover.  The talented British actor Richard Armitage voices these poems recorded from earlier performances he had given.  There is one image for each poem–none of these images are from 9/11 out of respect for the dead.    And the poems themselves were written long ago about different events.  But these poems touched me deeply as I reflected upon 9/11–as did Mr. Armitage’s stirring readings of these poems provide me with a sense of peace and calm.  So I share my video with you again now–“In Memoriam for 9/11 Ten Years Later:  A Compilation Video of Three Poems”, 9/11/11 Gratianads90 (Gratiana Lovelace):

About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
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8 Responses to In Remembrance, 9/11/12 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #267)

  1. april73 says:

    I was in New York in Summer 2007 and visited Ground Zero and the museum dedicated to September 11th. It was very affecting (I don’t know if this word is “correct”, but I think that you understand what I mean).


    • Hi April73,
      Thanks for sharing your experience. Your words are well chosen about your reaction to Ground Zero. I’m sure it was a moving experience.
      Love and Hugs, Grati


      • april73 says:

        I haven’t spent too many time in the museum. I had to get out after a moment, because if I had stay, I had began to cry.

        It was a that moment that I saw that they had isposed many tissues boxes in the museum.

        For the Ground Zero visit, the guides were volunteers who had lost a familly member or a friend this sad day…


  2. katie70 says:

    9/11 is a day to think about family for me. My brother in law works in Alaska during the summer and comes home the early part of September. In 2001 he come home on 9/10. The grounding of the aircraft and then not knowing what was happening would have been horrible. This year he comes home tomorrow or leaves Alaska I am not sure. It was his sister who called me to let me know what had happened. I know the whole family in those early hours was so happy to have him home.


    • Hi Katie70,
      I can only imagine the uncertainty and dread that family and friends felt as they waited to hear whether their loved ones’ planes were also hijacked on 9/11. I would have been beside myself with worry. I’m glad that it turned out alright for your family.
      Love and hugs, Grati


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