Fun Day Sunday: Catching up on Grati’s Richard Armitage Wallpapers and Such, 1/27/13 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #351)

In addition to my writing stories and essays about Richard Armitage, I also like to create graphics.  Though I am no artist, it is fun to play around with Photoshop (image manip) and Powerpoint (layering)  to create these collages/wallpapers.  So what follows are some graphics that I have shared elsewhere on Facebook and maybe Twitter, but not here on my blog yet.  The dates indicate when I published the graphic elsewhere–working backwards in time. Enjoy!

For Guy Day Friday:  Scruffy Never Looked so Good, 1/25/13:

Grati’s fan made poster for “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug”, 1/17/13:
(images courtesy of

Brisbane article interview portrait de-noised by Grati, 1/15/13 (the better for my eyes to see RA with):

And Michaela Servetus has an interesting post about this photo on 1/27/13.

An “Atta Boy” screencap marking Richard Armitage ranking #2 at IMDB on 12/26/12:

There is no FAULT with Richard Armitage collage, 12/22/12:

Thorin’s Legacy of his people, 12/11/12:

“Richard Armitage Hobbit Gift Bomb for Charity”  fan fundraiser logo by Grati, 11/26/12:

(image courtesy of

A Prayer for Sir Guy, 11/23/12:

Sir Guy of Gisborne Damsel Pickup Lines: circa 1192, 11/16/12:



The Secret of Richard Armitage’s Smouldering Gaze, 11/10/12:
(This portrait is from RA’s July 2011 Project Magazine interview.)

Richard Armitage Quote about becoming Thorin, 11/07/12:

Lady Heidi to Give Sir Guy Paws, 10/21/12 rev Jan2713:

Strike Back’s John Porter as Lover, 9/15/12:

To hear the beautiful song mentioned in the wallpaper above visit “Andrea Bocelli – Nessun Dorma (English Lyrics translation)”, click the link below to the video by TheNewCitizen

North & South:  Blissful Lovers, 9/03/12:

Lucas Love Lost, 6/05/12:

A John  Standring Sparkhouse Collage, 5/21/12:
(He is just so cuddly.  Sighhhh!)

Ghosts of Lucas North, 3/27/12:

Richard Armitage Smoulders in character, a slide from “’Can’t Fight the Feeling’ of Admiring Richard Armitage (Glee)”, a video by and for RAFN by Gratiana Lovelace, 6/24/12:

Here is that video link (a prezzie for slogging all the way to the end of this post;  Ha!):
(Richard Armitage images and captions were suggested by the Ladies of RAFN.)

20 graphics listed above–in addition to the dozens/hundreds of other graphics I have already shared in posts!  Whew!  I guess that I have been busy this past year.  And I thought that this might be a short post.  Not a chance!  Ha!

Nota Bene:  Original image credits are listed on each graphic and in the video.  In general, images are usually courtesy of

About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
This entry was posted in Creativity, Fangurling, Fun Day Sunday, Graphic, John Porter, John Standring, John Thornton, Lucas, movies, Multi-Character RA, Music, North & South, Richard Armitage, Robin Hood, Sexy, Sir Guy of Gisborne, Sparkhouse, Spooks, Strike Back, The Hobbit, Thorin, Video and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Fun Day Sunday: Catching up on Grati’s Richard Armitage Wallpapers and Such, 1/27/13 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #351)

  1. Tereza says:

    I love all these graphics. LOL! How lucky is Lady Heidi. I´ll give everything to change that place with her .OMG! There´s no fall with Richard! Indeed!Those biceps and stubble … *swoon* thud*. Sir Guy, my eyes burn too when see yours. Oh, very appropriated quotes. You done well,Grati.


  2. Ania says:

    Great graphics, Grati! All of them are sooo beautiful ♥, but at the moment the two of them the most appeal to my heart. Namely, majestic Thorin (Thorin’s Legacy of his people) and cuddly John Standring.


    • HiAnia,
      Thanks for your very nice note about my graphics.

      Richard Armitage has also astounded me with his Thorin Oakenshield portrayal! His ferocity and majestic bearing command the screen when he is on it–which is most of the time. I have greatly admired Mr. Armitage’s acting and storytelling talents since I first laid eyes on him portraying John Thornton in in North & South (2004) when I rented its dvd in 2010. But RA’s Thorin is superb!

      And in Mr. Armitage’s portrayal of John Standring, he is such a big bear of a man–honorable, steadfast, kind, and loving–that you want every good thing to come his way. And yes, cuddling will be involved. Giggles!

      Cheers! Grati ;->


  3. Servetus says:

    You’ve been busy! Thanks for the link.


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