Waiting to ask Richard Armitage Life’s Burning Questions via #AskThorin @TheHobbitMovie, March 06, 2013 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #374)

This is the moment.  It may never come again.  British actor Richard Armitage 60seclonglocks2Jna0613cinemaxGratiCapCropShrpportraying TVSpot6-01RichardArmitageasThorintoBilboWhyhaveyoucomeMar0613ranetCropShrpBrtThorin Oakenshield (left) in The Hobbit:  An Unexpected Journey (THAUJ)–the man who famously claimed that “Twitter, I just don’t  get it” and that he “would rather keep what I had for lunch today to myself” in that delightful Cinemax 60 Seconds with Richard Armitage interview (below; and right, my cap)–is being interviewed on Twitter today!  So never say never.

And thanks to @TheHobbitMovie, both Hobbit and Richard Armitage fans were invited to provide questions yesterday to #AskThorin.  Cute!

So I jumped into the fray with what has become my standard suggested interview question that I would love to see posed to Richard Armitage (@GratianaL is my Twitter handle):

@TheHobbitMovie #AskThorin  What question do you wish interviewers would ask you, but they have not?  Then please answer that question?

You see, my goal as the interviewer would be to turn the tables on Richard Armitage, or any interviewee.  By letting them dictate the question to themselves, I hope to gain an insight into what they think is important–rather than what I might think is important.  And just maybe, we would learn something new or he would share an insight that he had previously kept to himself.

And naturally, the interviewers will be receiving hundreds and probably thousands of tweeted questions to sift through for the core questions that they will ask Richard Armitage.  So the likelihood of my question actually getting posed to Richard Armitage is zip, nil, nada, and not bloody likely mate.  Ha!  But I can dream

And you can dream, too.  If you could, what would you like to ask Richard Armitage? 

P.S.  You can watch the twitter feed on Wednesday of the questions and Richard Armitage’s answers at the following link, whether or not you are on Twitter (per Fanny/Izzyblue):


The Tweet Interviewing is still going on at 1:27pm.

Here is a pix of the guys tweeting,  Andy Serkis, Richard Armitage and James Nesbit:


About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
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9 Responses to Waiting to ask Richard Armitage Life’s Burning Questions via #AskThorin @TheHobbitMovie, March 06, 2013 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #374)

  1. Xenia says:

    This is indeed very exciting! Twitter may CRASH….LOL


    • Giggles Xenia!
      Well, Richard Armitage cRAshed the BBC message boards when his 2004 North& South was broadcast with his searingly smouldering portrayal of John Thornton. So Twitter cRAshing today would be in good company. Ha!
      Cheers! Grati ;->


  2. 3/06/13–Here is the link to read the Richard Armitage tweet replies at



  3. 3/06/13–Here are some sample Q’s and A’s:

    1) The Hobbit @TheHobbitMovie
    RT @KarolinaZajc5: @TheHobbitMovie What is your recipe for life? #AskThorin

    Richard: Chocolate ice cream. Treat others as you would want to be treated. And lots of chocolate ice cream.

    2) The Hobbit ‏@TheHobbitMovie
    RT @SamiB89: @TheHobbitMovie #AskThorin What is your favorite part of playing Thorin?

    Richard: 1.) Making him fight. 2.) Trying to rationalize his madness.

    3) The Hobbit ‏@TheHobbitMovie
    RT @mitsuhachikuro: @TheHobbitMovie #AskThorin It must be hard putting on all those makeup and costume! Which part do you dread the most?

    Richard: The face because it was the most uncomfortable, it stings, and fills up with sweat


  4. 3/06/13–More Sample Q’s and A’s:

    1) The Hobbit ‏@TheHobbitMovie

    RT ‏@IngeD3: @TheHobbitMovie Richard, what’s currently n°1 on your bucket list?#AskThorin

    Richard: Climb Everest.

    2) The Hobbit ‏@TheHobbitMovie
    RT @GizGunslinger: Do you like #DepecheMode? I won’t believe if not, cause their songs match greatly with most of your characters #AskThorin

    Richard: Yes. I would like to know which songs you think fit his character. Master and servant.

    3) The Hobbit ‏@TheHobbitMovie
    RT @CristinaMaps: What was the scene you were most excited to shoot? And the one you were more worried about? #AskThorin

    Richard: Thorin’s first arriving in Bag End. Because you are seeing him out of his comfort zone and starting his journey.


  5. 3/06/13–Yet more Q & A:

    1) The Hobbit ‏@TheHobbitMovie
    RT ‏@Cat_V_: @TheHobbitMovie if you could have dinner with any 3, fictional or non-fictional, who would they be? #AskThorin

    Richard: Richard III, John F. Kennedy, and Ian McKellen.

    2) The Hobbit ‏@TheHobbitMovie
    RT @mitsuhachikuro: @TheHobbitMovie #AskThorin Would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or an army of duck-sized horse?

    Richard: Horse sized duck. Good in hand-to-hand combat and (can give) a sword to the beak.

    3) The Hobbit ‏@TheHobbitMovie
    RT @sadie72733929: #AskThorin- what characteristics do you admire of Thorin and why, & what do you recognize in yourself?

    Richard: His nobility and bending will to succeed. We share a propensity for a bad temper and anxiety of care.


  6. 3/06/13– They might be wrapping it up:

    The Hobbit @TheHobbitMovie
    Thanks fans for supporting the film. Come back and keep watching. – Richard Armitage

    My/Grati’s reply: Gratiana Lovelace ‏@GratianaL
    @TheHobbitMovie You’re welcome. The film is a delight. And we will keep watching it!


  7. 3/06/13–Servetus has a post linking to a site with 8500 hi-res screencaps from the blue ray edition of THAUJ:


    P.S. Serv’s post was a reblog from DJ32: http://thorinoakenshield.net/2013/03/06/the-hobbit-an-unexpected-journey-screencaps/ which I had missed. Thanks!


  8. 3/06/13–RANet (www.RichardArmitageNet.com) shared a link to a transcript for the Twitter Interview:

    Click to access TwitterQA_06March2013.pdf


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