Fun Day Sunday — CRAzy Captioning Hobbit: Richard Armitage’s Gestures, Voice, and Hair, March 24, 2013 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #384)

I haven’t done CRAzy Captioning for a while.  So I thought that in honor of today’s sneak peak of “The Hobbit:  The Desolation of Smaug”, that I would share a few Hobbit related Richard Armitage graphics.

Now CRAzy Captioning is all in good fun, usually G or PG-13 rated (I know, darn!), and hopefully humorous.  So enjoy the three graphics with my caption suggestions that I created for you below.  Then if you wish, please suggest your own captions for each graphic.CRAzyCaptionRichardArmitageSmaugSizeGestureMar2413GratianaLovelace

  1.  Richard Armitage’s Gestures with his hands in interviews draw a lot of positive attention from his fans.  He is so wonderfully expressive and vibrant with his hands–as a good complement to his voice and facial expressions.  Well, the example of the gesture in the fabulous Victoria Will portrait of RA in New York is a gesture that he uses quite often.  In looking at such an image out of context from the interview, some of us RA fans joke that RA is identifying the attributes he likes in curvy women (T or A). Hey, we curvy women can dReAm.  Can’t we?  Ha!  However, I came up with an alternative suggestion as to what his gesture might be referring to in my graphic at right:
  2. Richard Armitage’s Voice is so velvety smooth and stunningly deep that the Marianas Trench in the Pacific Ocean has nothing on RA.  And if is voice couldn’t get any deeper, he lowered his voice even more to convey Thorin Oakenshield’s gravitas.  Pretty much anything the man says makes us swoon.  But the way that RA says the name of  the Dwarf people’s betrayer’s (Elves) in the ninth Hobbit Production Video that is caught in the image in the graphic below turns me into “a puddle of womanly essence” every time I hear RA say “Elves” (or click here to download the ringtone courtesy of RAC) (Hobbit 9th Production Video):
  3. Richard Armitage’s Hair is also a topic of discussion amongst fans.  We like it long–tickling his neck.  We like it short and shorn–revealing his lovely head shape.  We like him beardy, beardless, and/or stubbly.  And don’t get me started on his chest hair, arm hair, and leg hair–love it!  Several of you might know that apart from RA’s beautiful architectural clavicle and shoulders–not to mention his noble nose–I gigglingly admit to being quite enamored of RA’s long muscular neck.  I’ll admit it.  I’m a nibbler.  So when I saw this Thorin Oakenshield image bringing together several of the hair and architectural features–long hair, beard, nose, neck, stubble on neck, I just couldn’t resist.   See for yourselves in the graphic below:


About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
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18 Responses to Fun Day Sunday — CRAzy Captioning Hobbit: Richard Armitage’s Gestures, Voice, and Hair, March 24, 2013 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #384)

  1. P.S. In case anyone missed my puns above:

    A. “Pail” is a pun. Normally, the phrase is “beyond the pale”–meaning outside of normal or wished for situations. However, I switched it to “pail”–which means a bucket–as in, Smaug’s doo doo is too big to fit into a pail.

    B. The correct spelling of the word describing a deep vocal sound is “timbre” (Thanks Angela!) However, I was also thinking pun like in terms of when people yell “timber” when they chop down a tree. Or in this case, fans swooning. Hence the thud. Ha!

    C. No pun here, just that “hope springs eternal”–with regard to nibbling. Ha! Hey! If I can’t make fun of myself, then I have lost my sense of humor. Ha!


  2. March 24, 2013–“Desolation of Smaug” Live Event, TORN has pertinent info:

    3pm is NYC time–that is 2pm Chicago time, etc.

    Of course, this is what we will all be focusing on today. Here is the access gateway link (click on country, then input your code):


  3. guylty says:

    “There and back again” – LOL – that last crazy caption had me in stitches… Cheers!


  4. 3/24/13–Donna@VenusOctober capped an ending clip in The Desolation of Smaug Event today–of the Dwarves entering Laketown


  5. 3/24/13–Morrighan’s Muse Tumblr has gifs of the Laketown entrance by the Dwarves


  6. 3/24/13–Evie Bowman of TORN ( shared a link with a minute by minute synopsis of the DofS Live event


  7. 3/24/13–RA Bulgaria shared the Heirs of Durin tumblr link for come gifs of the DofSmaug event film clips (be sure to keep scrolling down for all of them):


    • 3/25/13–DarkJackal at Heirs of Durin has added a sound file of Thorin announcing who the Dwarves are as they enter Laketown:
      [audio src="" /]

      Thanks to “Richard Armitage has the Sexiest Voice” FB page for the link!


  8. katie70 says:

    Richard Armitage and nonverbal communication, I just love those talking hands. I can’t even keep him out of my homework. I wonder if he even knows at first he is talking with his hands? I know that I am talking and well so are my hands, I don’t have a clue at first. Lets not forget the voice!


  9. 3/24/13–Heirs of Durin Tumblr has has great gifs from the DofS Event Film Clips


  10. 3/24/13–BrigitXT shared a link for a gif of Thorin experiencing an “earthquake”


    • I wish we knew whose tumblr this gif belongs to. Please sing out if it is yours.

      In the meantime, for grins, I hit printscreen while the gif was running and got this cap (I sharpened, and made it hi-res, etc., screencaps always benefit from a bit of Photoshopping):


  11. 3/24/13–TeresaA shared this link on FB to an beautiful Thorin/Hobbit signature graphic by EvenstarArwen on DeviantArt


  12. 3/25/13–RANet ( tweeted that the Comic Book Movie site has some vids from yesterday’s DofS event:

    Though the first video was removed, here are direct links to the other videos:
    1) Some barrels action shots here:

    2) First views of Evangeline Lily as Tauriel:

    3) Thorin & Thranduil:


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