WCW: Lavender Scented Towels, Dogs, and Richard Armitage (facetious alert), May 06, 2015 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #741)

Lately, our girl doggy has taken a shine to our freshly laundered towels that I dump on our bed to fold. She dives right into the middle of the still warm pile–twirling her body to transfer that lavender fresh fabric softener dryer cloth scent to her fur. I’m serious. Ha! She sniffs that flowery fresh scent and literally sighs with her mouth wide open in what passes for a doggy grin.

For some of you, the thought of a doggy wriggling around in the clean towels is a wrinkle up your nose in disgust moment. Tsk, tsk! She is the cleanest doggy I have ever had. And for the more sanguine of you, you might do as I do and sacrifice one towel to distract the doggy–usually one of my husband’s towels, Ha!–and let her rip while I fold the rest of the towels. He’ll never know. *wink*

And then I think of the exquisitely talented British actor Richard Armitage. No, I don’t UltForceepi5_17IanTowelNov1311ranetexpect his awesomeness to dive head first into the towels on my bed–though, there is a RP fic in there somewhere, Ha! But should he wish to revel, I wouldn’t stop him. Why do I think that RA and towels are a match made in fangirl heaven? No reason, except that RA does have a prior affinity for really big towels, with regard to one of his characters [(1) right].

And besides, my guess is that RA would probably prefer pine tree, or sandalwood, or some other foresty manly scent, rather than the lavender fragrance that I favor. It’s too bad there is no way to embed a scratch and sniff feature in these blog posts–it could open up a world of possibilities. My hubby cutely pouts now and again–in his husbandly way–about having to hold my purse as I drive, or that I praise him to the skies for his dishwasher loading skills (with the dishes actually getting clean these days), and that there are a few manly scented products that he espouses: Old Spice, Old Spice, and Old Spice.

Though seriously, my tall and imposing 6 ft 4 inch tall hubby uses the same lightly scented moisturizing ivory soap bar that I do in the shower. And my hubby has even been known to snatch up my powder fresh Secret deodorant (invisible solid, of course) a time or two–when his Old Spice deodorant was out. Of course, the converse is not true, I would never use my hubby’s Old Spice deodorant. Someone might think that I was thoroughly ravished by a sailor. Ha! Besides, I always have backup supplies on hand. Snap!

Now I’m trying to picture Richard Armitage looking around my bathroom for a manly deodorant substitute like my hubby does, and RA picking up the Secret deodorant from the bathroom counter. RA might initially look disdainfully at the light blue plastic tube with a pink butterfly on the label. Then he might impulsively pop open the lid and sniff it. Looking SB1ep3_078PortershirtoffgunsSep2711ranetuncertain–and glancing around to see if anyone is watching him in the bathroom–he might sniff it again. Then if RA decides that powder fresh scent wasn’t too bad, he might swipe each of his pits once–and then he could go on a quick run to sweat a bit to add his own personal tang to the mix.   Ooh dear! Now we have to pause a moment to admire RA’s pitts [(2) right].

But I digress. I was speaking about our doggy and our towels. She is even so eager for the towels and their lavender scent that she will rush the recently opened clothes dryer door and sniff the lint trap. I definitely can’t picture RA doing that–sniffing the lint trap. However, I have written a scene in one of my yet to be serialized contemporary romance stories where a strategically placed open appliance door is all that stands between a naked RA character in the middle of the night–this was written before any of RA’s earthquake intimations of him sleeping in the nude–and a mature audience rating. *wink*

Of course, with Richard Armitage stating his preference for dogs [(3) right via Jeannie], I am aaScruffy1RichardArmitageSep3013ArmitageArmyviaJeanniealready positively predisposed to making my freshly laundered towels available to him–in a completely platonic way, of course–or at least their fragrant clothes dryer lint trap remnants for him to sniff.

About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
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12 Responses to WCW: Lavender Scented Towels, Dogs, and Richard Armitage (facetious alert), May 06, 2015 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #741)

  1. Esther says:

    Ha! Fun post! I can totally picture the scene…
    I usually fold laundry in my bedroom, spreading out piles of folded laundry for my husband, my 2 kids and myself and I have two cats who on occasion think it is fun to lie right on top of my husband’s newly folded white t-shirts or my daughter’s pajamas…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. May 06-07 & 10, 2015–Thanks for liking this post!

    Esther, Carolyn, ania- zrysiowana ja, obscura, crystalchandlyre, & Servetus


  3. Kitty says:

    You’re all over the place with this one, Girl Friend! I laughed out loud and your “tang” comment. This post makes me think of my friend, Bruce, who spritzed a little of his wife’s fragrance on before they attended a party. She sniffed him before they left home, fearing that he had actually sprayed her cologne all over himself (b/c he had a reputation for grabbing anything on the bathroom counter and dowsing himself in it). All she could do was roll her eyes and advised him to stay close to her side all evening in hopes that other party goers would think they smelled her and not him. John Porter’s arm pits may have rendered me completely useless for the rest of the day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Kitty,
      LOL! Glad you enjoyed this post. So funny about your friend and her husband. It must be a guy in a relationship thing. Ha! And I hear you about Porter’s pitts–and the muscles surrounding them. Sighhhh!
      I’m glad to finally be home after a long day at the office. Now I’ll have some RA theRApy. Ha!
      Thanks for visiting and commenting! Cheers! Grati ;->


  4. jholland says:

    LOL. What a lovely thought. Now I can’t help but speculate whether RA uses fabric softener and if so, which one. Definitely not conducive to being productive today. =)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi jholland,
      Giggles! Somehow I think fabric softener dryer sheets might be a new concept to RA–he seems like a just the basics kind of guy–it was to my husband when we married. Ha! Or if not, the Spring Fresh or Rain Fresh scents are nice and neutral for guys & gals. *wink*

      And if RA is like my hubby, he does a “Gypsy Rose Lee” as soon as he gets in the door, as he heads to the shower. Hhhhhh! What an image that cReAtes in my mind. Ha!
      Thanks for visiting and commenting! Cheers! Grati ;->


  5. katie70 says:

    Your dog has a great nose and really what is not to love about lavender. It is my favorite scent and I love the plant so much that every year I buy a couple more to plant in my flower garden. I like to take a sprig and lightly crush it in my fingers to get that wonderful smell. I don’t see our cat doing this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi katie70,
      Lavender is great! We actually have some lavender planted in our font garden plot between the front sidewalk that curves around to the side of the house. I’ll have to try crushing some this year.
      But we also have a good sized dark purple lilac bush in one corner of our small backyard.
      Giggles about your cat!
      Thanks for visiting and commenting! Cheers! Grati ;->


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