Tuesday Musings: Richard Armitage in Red Plaid for You Selfie, June 02, 2015 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #758)

No Photoshopping of crinkles and age lines needed here. Just a man and his phone take a great age defying selfie.

The exquisitely talented British actor Richard Armitage is pushing 44 years come August 22nd? NOT!

2015--RichardArmitage-inredwhiteplaid-andbeard_Jun0115RCATweet-sized        2015--RichardArmitage-inredwhiteplaid-andbeard_Jun0115RCATweet-sized-clr
original                                                 Grati’s color corrected edit

Sighhhh! Have a gReAt day, everyone!

P.S. And here is the link to my earlier post about RA Selfies.

About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
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8 Responses to Tuesday Musings: Richard Armitage in Red Plaid for You Selfie, June 02, 2015 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #758)

  1. June 02, 2015–Thanks for liking this post!

    april73, jholland, & Carolyn


  2. jholland says:

    I like your color-corrected edit! I’m not entirely convinced Himself didn’t edit this selfie, though. It would be hypocritical of me to fault him if he did, as I tend to edit my own photos unapologetically. =)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for your kind note! And you could be correct about “himself” and editing his selfie before tweeting it. Though washed out lighting hides a multitude of “sins”–RA have lines and crinkles? we love them!–one of my gal pals on FB mentioned that there is now an app for selfie editing. LOL! Cheers!


  3. June 02, 2015–Lara Day tweeted a beautifully heartfelt tribute to Richard Armitage:

    To which I commented:

    @casear3333 Yes! #RichardArmitage’s artistic talent, dedicated professionalism, gentlemanly demeanor, & compassionate philanthropy inspires.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. June 02, 2015–And it seems that Perry also posted about RA’s new selfie, on Monday. Here is her post link:

    @RCArmitage Posts a Pretty Good Selfie


  5. June 02, 2015–The hyperlink I provided to RA’s selfie tweet is broken, because RA’s tweet seems to have been removed.
    So if you didn’t get a chance to download RA’s Selfie image from the tweet, you may download it from this post here. Cheers!


  6. June 02, 2015–Servetus posted the RA Selfie again “because she liked it”. I liked it, too!

    Posting the last Richard Armitage selfie again because I liked it


  7. June 05, 2015–Richard Armitage has reposted a new Red Plaid Selfie on Weibo with better lighting. Excellent! Thanks to TeresaA for sharing that image! Love this image, too!

    Since the image link wouldn’t work to show the image, I imported the image to generate a URL that would show it:


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