“Forgiveness and Intention” are themes of Richard Armitage’s heartfelt message for Stop Cyberbullying Day, June 18, 2016 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #925)

RAPortrait--2016--Stop-Cyberbullying-Day-2016-Richard-Armitage_Jun1716The exquisitely talented British actor Richard Armitage’s (left)  in his June 17, 2016 Stop Cyberbullying Day 2016  message for his CyberSmile Foundation blog post, seemed to me to be distilled down to his essay’s final thoughts:

Never underestimate your words. Use them carefully and for the better; if, like me, it’s the kind of society you believe in.”

My reflection upon Richard’s message focuses on the concept that our words have power and meaning—and not always the meaning we think, nor the meaning that we intend.  Our perceptions and others’ perceptions can pull and sometimes distort a sentence or phrase’s meaning.
But whose meaning is the right meaning?  Is that ever easy to determine?  And is it really necessary to determine the right meaning, when there could be multiple right and wrong meanings—as Richard inferred?

It is not easy– nor necessary, in my experience–to determine the rightness nor wrongness of messages and their meaning.  And therein lies the crux of the matter.  Peoples’ experiences, knowledge systems, beliefs, cultures, opinions, and society shape how they interpret their world.  It is their context, their lens within which they perceive the world.  And their contexts shape how they interpret the messages they receive, with some broad examples of potential opposing viewpoints listed below:

  • Where one person sees grace and beauty in a friendly smile, another person might think that characterization naïve and wonder what ulterior motive lurks hidden beneath that smile.
  • Where one person values and appreciates an individual’s heartfelt sentiments shared with genuine sincerity, another person might ask why should their thoughts count any more than anyone else’s thoughts.
  • And finally, where one person’s intent is to uplift, support, and inspire, another person might view that as condescending—as if they take offense to that person’s positivity as somehow being an insult to them. *shakes head*

And when others find fault—or a lack of perfected perfection in anyone’s or even in Richard Armitage’s personal expressions of his voice—I have to think, so what?  Nobody’s perfect.  Thank goodness!  Ha!.  Nor can they—or Richard– be all things to all people.

I have to say, I admire Richard Armitage for continuing to put his thoughts out there on Twitter, with his CyberSmile Foundation Ambassadorship, and elsewhere with his charitable fundraising and social causes awareness efforts.  I believe that he is being bold and brave, when others have yet to find their own voice—let alone, express it.  Or in the simple act of him expressing his beliefs, that Richard unknowingly inspires others to consider finding their means of personal expression.

So perhaps regardless of what Richard Armitage or anyone says about their personal beliefs—and how people interpret it as they parse the wording and such—I am glad that person, in this case Richard Armitage, shared their sentiments, especially when they are sentiments embodying a hope for greater understanding between individuals.

And sometimes we might hold hopeful views that seem to  be in the minority—for our general vicinity. But popularity was never my litmus test for the merit of a viewpoint or opinion.  Even if there is only one solitary individual stating their positive beliefs or expressing an opinion of hope, the journey to improving oneself and our society begins with one voice expressing their viewpoint.

Obviously, I’m not including hate speech rhetoric and messages as what I would label as hopeful.   The whole ad hominin argument construction fallacy and other fallacies sometimes seen in less than well reasoned diatribes—are diatribes ever well reasoned? Ha!–is a post for another day.

Yet when a chorus of positive voices share their hope and wish for greater understanding, consideration, and sensitivity between and toward each other?  Then perhaps the world will be a better place that we as individuals collectively envision for our futures.

Or once again, as Richard Armitage said in his Stop Forgiveness and Intention CyberSmile Stop Cyberbullying Day essay:

Never underestimate your words. Use them carefully and for the better; if, like me, it’s the kind of society you believe in.”

Until then, we can embrace our respective nuanced understandings and interpretations of others messages meanings and intents—one Richard Armitage tweet, untweet, selfie,  or blog post at a time.  *wink*  And please forgive me for taking a full page (772 words) to express myself.  *winks again*RAPortrait--2016--Stop-Cyberbullying-Day-2016-Richard-Armitage_Jun1716-Grati-sized-incblue

P.S.  And I love Richard Armitage’s  new Selfie that appeared with his
essay! (my color edit, right)  Richard’s face infused with joy perfectly complements his essay’s intended (my interpretation) positive thoughts.

About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
This entry was posted in Beauty, Compassion, Courage, Cybersmile Foundation, Fangurling, Forgiveness, Hope, Kindness, Love, Portraits, Positivity, Richard Armitage, Role Model, Smiles, Social Justice, Society, Something About Love, Voice and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

31 Responses to “Forgiveness and Intention” are themes of Richard Armitage’s heartfelt message for Stop Cyberbullying Day, June 18, 2016 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #925)

  1. Wendy says:

    Thank you for your positivity. I have been despairing of the negativity towards his words and actions. No one is perfect. It has been a horrible week culminating in the murder of Jo Cox RIP Jo, Never did I expect this in my country. I’m so pleased to tead your blog. I hope that your pain is easing somewhat. My back is very bad and my physio is away on Hawaii for 2 weeks. Have a good weekend Grati. Wendy

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Wendy,
      Thank you for your lovely note about my essay about Richard’s essay. I’m sure there are wide ranging opinions out there. I just like to give voice to a view with an eye to “balancing” things out.

      My condolences upon MP Jo Cox’s murder. That is terrible! My heart goes out to you and others who are affected by her death. My thoughts are with her family, friends, and loved ones at this sorrowful time.

      My back is, well, challenging. Day 8 of excruciating pain due to 2.5 herniated discs in my lower back as shown by the MRI. So I’m on two oral steroid meds and then Monday, I’ll have an out patient spinal procedure–cortico steroid injections to try to take down the swelling that is impinging on my spinal nerves–in the hope of alleviating the pain.

      Hope your back pain improves as well. Love & Hugs! Grati ;->


  2. Perry says:

    Reblogged this on Armitage Agonistes and commented:
    Grati’s view ( and I agree) on “Forgiveness and Intention.” She makes a good point about intent and meaning.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Perry,
      Thank you so much for reblogging my essay about Richard Armitage’s Stop Cyberbullying Day essay on your blog, Armitage Agonistes! I am truly honored.

      Your blog is one of my favorites for your balanced essays and thoughtful discussions about issues in “Armitage World”–and the world world. And your blog is so helpful with snagging, sharing, and referencing Richard Armitage news and resources as they come out! Brava!
      Hugs & Cheers! Grati ;->


    • And Perry also shared her thoughts about Richard Armitage’s Stop Cyberbullying Day essay on her blog with some insightful points about him possibly needing to “dial back” his suggestion wording from seeming to command to more of a hopeful wish, empathy, and such. I concur.

      Here is the linke for Perry’s essay about the essay:

      Perry Writes About Richard Armitage’s 2nd Annual Cybersmile Post

      I would also add that Richard Armitage’s phrasing where he indicates “On the web our words are weapons”, I would rather he had chosen “tools or instruments”, rather than “weapons”. But I still admire his bluntness in this regard. Because unfortunately, some people do treat their words as weapons on the web–as we see “trolls” and seemingly “troll wannabees” (Ha!) make negative and inflammatory comments time and again, on Twitter especially.


  3. jaydee09 says:

    I think that was as beautifully written as RA’s post (my opinion, LOL.) I’m with your opinions all the way. And this was quite a feat – to be so positive, eloquent and thoughtful considering how much pain you’re in. Hope you recover soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi jaydee09,
      Thanks for your very kind comment about my essay about RA’s essay. I appreciate it! And as to my back and hip pain and right leg weakness–now that we know that I have 2.5 herniated discs in my lower back causing it–Richard Armitage is a welcome distRAction! *wink* Thanks so much for your get well wishes to me! Hugs!
      Thanks for visiting and commenting! Welcome! Cheers! Grati ;->


  4. Nimue says:

    Wonderfully said- thank you!! I love his selfie and his words- both show the innate kindness of his soul- he just shines from the inside out. No need for him to be perfect. As you put it: ” And when others find fault—or a lack of perfected perfection in anyone’s or even in Richard Armitage’s personal expressions of his voice—I have to think, so what. Nobody’s perfect. Thank goodness! Ha!. Nor can they—or Richard– be all things to all people. ” Will never get why some seem to feel the need for constant knitpicking… Maybe it takes a gentle soul to understand him…

    I find him brave and bold, too- to speak his mind, although he knows that every word he utters will be criticized and torn apart. According to what we hear about him and see from his behaviour he lives true to to his words!

    For me he is an inspiration – not perfect- but a real RAy of light ;-) !

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Nimue,

      Thanks for your very kind note! I’m glad that you enjoyed my essay about Richard’s essay. And you make a very good point about Richard Armitage “living (sic) true to his words!” Well said!

      I have read and learned that living a life with integrity is more than merely being or thinking ethically and morally in one’s own sphere. But it also means presenting our “authentic self” to others in portraying our beliefs and values–and standing up for them. This standing up for what we believe in, may not always be easy–nor understood, nor appreciated nor welcomed by others with differing views–but it is the only way I feel comfortable in living my life. I’m a “social justice” oriented lady.

      In writing this note to you, I also found a July 2, 2015 Huff Post article about “living with integrity” that makes some interesting points. Though the writer’s views are his own, I appreciate him sharing them with us:


      Thanks for visiting and commenting! And Welcome! Cheers! Grati ;->


  5. Pingback: Armitage Weekly Round-up 2016/24 | Guylty Pleasure

  6. June 18, 2016–Thanks for starring this post! I’m glad that you liked it! Cheers!

    Evie Arl, discovermarche, Perry, vistaborders, heatherparish, Judit, ania- zrysiowana ja, chattypatra, Esther, Hariclea, & Hariclea

    P.S. And thanks so much to those who reblogged or shared my essay’s link with their readers! Hugs & Cheers!

    Perry (Armitage Agonistes blog) & Guylty (Guylty Pleasures blog); & Esther (Book of Esther blog)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Esther on her Book of Esther blog also writes an essay about the essay. She shares a lovely post which broadens the discussion of empathy and such.

    Empathicalism part two

    And her last image of the two little girls was so charming in its embodiment of Richard’s and others’ messages of all of us finding greater understanding and sensitivity toward each other.
    P.S. Thanks to Perry for the early link to Esther’s essay, I hadn’t yet opened up my email notifications!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Esther says:

      Thanks for the reblog, Grati!
      I enjoyed reading your post too, highlighting how intent and the meaning we give to words can be two very different things! And yes, I always love when I hear someone call for a better understanding between people when there is so much hatred in the world.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Esther,
        You’re most welcome on my sharing your blog post link! I like to gather the links of different viewpoints together for my ease in reading them to their related topic, as well as for the convenience of my readers.

        And thanks for your kind note about my essay about RA’s essay.

        May we all find that the power of gaining a deeper understanding of and consideration for each other helps to bring the peoples of the world into greater harmony with one another.

        Hugs & Cheers! Grati ;->

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Obscura shares an insightful essay which I believe is ancillary to the discussions about Richard Armitage’s essay and other musings that we might have about him:

    Verbum Latinum Hodie: Non INTELLIGERE populo!

    Grati’s comments on Obscura’s post:

    Lovely post! ASS (Armitage Superiority Syndrome)? LOL! God save us from anyone claiming they or others are perfect. Those “pedestals are harder to climb up onto these days, what with the internet relaying everyone’s business instantaneously and such. Ha!

    And I especially liked this paragraph in her essay:

    “Here’s what it comes down to for me. Everyone has the right to state their opinions. That means everyone, me, you, Richard Armitage, everyone. However, the right to state an opinion does not negate the rights of others to disagree with that opinion. This applies to everyone as well. Disagreement is not the issue here. Disagreement and reasoned argument are central to healthy discussion. It is when differing opinion morphs into vitriol and attack that discussion dies…and this seems to be happening far too often in fandom these days.”


    As a matter of fact, someone approached me recently, her wondering if she should post what she wanted to post–given the negative comments flying about regarding some aspect of the Richard Armitage fandom. I told her that what she shares online is her personal expression, and thus it is her choice to share it when she wants to. Basically, I told her not to let others squelch or stifle her voice and personal expression.

    That being said, we do all have to be careful not to cross the line, as Obscura states in her essay and as excerpted above: “It is when differing opinion morphs into vitriol and attack that discussion dies.”


    Liked by 1 person

    • And until you can read Obscura’s essay–and perhaps to entice you a little more to do so–here is another excerpted paragraph sharing her view of Fandom ASS (Armitage Superiority Syndrome):

      “This putative Armitage Superiority Syndrome (I wonder if there is a catch acronym there?) is also at the heart of the other issue that is really getting under my skin lately…that being the increasingly pervasive notion (especially in the Twitterverse) that no one should ever, EVER dare to question or disagree with anything Richard Armitage utters. Apart from being dangerously close to sycophancy of the first degree, this is neither realistic nor healthy within a community.”

      P.S. To me/Grati, ASS is a twin sister of ABC (Armitage Biddy Committee). I/Grati shake my head when I see people trying to explain away Richard Armitage’s choices (words, actions, etc.), as not being really his, but that he was influenced by another.

      To that, I/Grati say, the man is nearly 45 years old. He can make his own choices, speak his own words, and let the chips fall where they may. Some of us may like his words/actions, and some of us may not. That is the way of things. ;)


  9. I enjoyed your post very much and I completely agree with you, that our reaction is “context dependent”. For me his post was about “leave yourself alone” and “free ourselves from expectations”, because these are the particular issues in this particular moment of my life. As for perfection, you said it “Nobody’s perfect.Thank goodness!” I don’t follow him because I think everything he does or says is perfect and – blame me if you want – I don’t even think that every single bit of his performance in “The Crucible” was perfect. However I think he was overall a perfect choice and I am following him because he has a way of ticking all my boxes, I like the way he looks, I like the way he acts, I can even allow him to preach me if he wants to, he explained me things and he taught me things, following him I learned to open myself and to act beyond my expectation. I was prepared for another type of message, more focused on actual political and social issues, but his message was an infusion of positive energy at least for me. Not to mention the stunning selfie, one of the best, imo, with a smile that makes me think that everything is right in the world. Sorry for the long comment, but I very much resonate with your post. Much love x

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Glady,
      Thanks so much for sharing your lovely comment about my essay on Richard Armitage’s essay! And I appreciate your sharing your views about Richard Armitage and his fandom. We can indeed both enjoy and constructively critique performances or social media events, etc.

      What I always find interesting when reading others essays, comments, tweets, and such in “Armitage World” is my discerning what other people think about Richard’s performances, etc. Often, their insights cause me to revisit and to reflect upon my own opinions–perhaps broadening, or even changing them Yet, our opinions are still our own, and we are entitled to them. One person’s “broken” egg, is another person’s meal. Can you tell that I had scrambled eggs for breakfast? Ha!

      Cheers! Grati ;->


  10. With me now taking Lyrica along with the Medrol oral pill steroids this weekend, I’m finding a smidge of improvement with my severe back and hip pain and leg weakness issues–me making it the 10 steps with my footed cane to the bathroom and back to my computer and hotpad before the pain spasms hit again–then the pain diminishes a bit quicker as I breathe through it. And then I find that if I sit absolutely still–but for my typing fingers, ha!–I am also nearly pain free. Stillness is something I’ll have to write about, I think.

    Happily, my hubby is being great about fetching and carrying for me when he is here–and our doggies have napped mostly today and not had to be let outside and such much while my hubby is at work this morning.

    P.S. And I love my sleek and shiny black footed cane! It stands up by itself and has even held my purse hanging from the handle when I shifted something between my hands. Now I just have to make some sleeves for it for my different moods–Armitaging, school mascot, I’m with her, etc. Ha!


  11. Ania at her zRYSIOwana ja Richard Armitage blog shares the text of Richard Armitage’s message on her blog–and her blog allows you to translate this and other posts into whichever language works for you! Excellent!


    And Ania’s blog header has a really beautiful collage of Richard Armitage portraits and character images–as well as interesing essays and discussions. So let’s see if her blog header will post:

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Empathicalism part two | The Book of Esther

  13. June 19, 2016–As I read other bloggers’ essays about RA’s #SCD2016 essay, I am struck that we, each in our turn, focus on some similar but also different aspects of his essay–thus, in my mind, creating a broader interpretation of his essay as our discussions on my and other people’s blogs continue.

    The comments are thoughtful, insightful, and respectful of each others’ different views. Brava! And I so appreciate reading everyone’s thoughts here and elsewhere. So please do comment below with them.

    And if you have published a blog essay about RA’s essay, please consider sharing your link to it in a comment below (in case I haven’t seen it yet through email notifications and such, and thus I haven’t posted it already). I like to have the blog post links handy and all in one place–hence why I add your essay links to my comments scroll, rather than reblog you.

    Thanks & Cheers! Grati ‘;->


  14. Hariclea says:

    I came back to read it again as I’m a bit off work which has taken stress levels down a bit and I’m instantly finding more head space to think about things 😀 I really like your balanced approach and it’s ultimately good to see his thoughts have created waves and impact so his engagement is worth it 😊 Feel better soon! X

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Hariclea,
      Thanks for your very kind note about my essay about RA’s essay. And I am glad that you like my “balanced approach” to reflecting upon Richard Armitage’s SCD2016 essay! As many of us do, I try to see multiple perspectives on issues–and then focus upon what resonates for me.

      Richard Armitage’s heart is in the right place, as they say. And I believe that he is getting better in articulating his messages of hope and inspiration–as his essay serves as an example.

      Though as I believe Perry pointed out in her post, that should he wish to focus his thoughts even more to conveying a single point, then that would be even better. And as a speech teacher from way back–helping students to craft their essays in a clear and organized way–I try to look at articles and message holistically. Ultimately, did they get their point across. And I think in this instance, Richard did.

      Thanks also for your get well wishes! Hugs & Cheers! Grati ;->


  15. Ania says:

    To tell the truth I had mixed feelings when I read what Mr. Armitage wrote. Among other things, because the text seemed to be too vague ( general). But then I thought that Richard was aware what you also turned the attention in this post. Namely, he was aware that his message will be read by people from different cultures ( different parts of the world). So he had to write it in such a way that it reached the widest possible audience. For me, in the RA’s message important is that we should strive for a better understanding of each other through empathy (even, or especially when we have a different look at things).

    Thank you for the link to my blog. Grati.-) And a big thanks for your kind note on my blog header.:-*

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Ania,
      Thanks for your nice note. I appreciate your view about Richard Armitage’s message being general, for a wider audience, due to him understanding that peoples of differing cultures and backgrounds will view it.
      And you’re most welcome for the link to your blog with the text of RA’s message. And your blog header is gorgeous!
      Cheers! Grati ;->


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