Sexy SatuRdAy!: Richard Armitage in Barcelona Nocturne Wallpaper, June 20, 2015 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #770)

I love the very talented Sarah Dunn’s portraiture–especially her stunning portraits of the talented British actor Richard Armitage. For more about Sarah Dunn’s portraiture, visit

And then I saw the BW Richard Armitage portrait in leather again that I love when TeRichardArmitage-BarcelonaNocturne-wallpaper_Jun2015-byGratianaLovelaceRevresa A. shared Friday. And I remembered that I had converted that BW RA portrait to sepia toned version.

So I played around with the image a bit more today–fixing his thumbs and placing him in a Barcelona nightscape scene from Best Pictures on Twitter–for an RA wallpaper (below) which I titled Barcelona Nocturne.

Hope you have a gReAt Saturday and start to your weekend! And welcome Summer! Cheers!   Grati ;->

P.S. And of course, this wallpaper image I created and phrase “Barcelona Nocturne” inspired a little ficlet  (copyrighted by Gratiana Lovelace; all rights reserved):

Walking the cobbled streets of old Barcelona on moonlit nights always calmed and settled him. Though not a resident, Englishman David Fiske is a not an infrequent visitor to Barcelona. He had been lured to the modernized ancient city’s vitality and commerce, then seduced by its old world charm. Everything beckoned to him–from Barcelona’s architecture, to its rich socio-political history, to its thriving business climate, and to its charming, well educated, and welcoming people. And Barcelona’s site located on the Eastern seaboard of Spain on the Mediterranean kept its climate temperate, even during the hottest months, as a cool breeze would sweep though the city refreshing and sustaining its people.

And then there was the beautiful and unattainable Dona Isobel de la Buenaventura. David was introduced to her when upon his second visit to Barcelona last year, he happened to stay at a sprawling country inn estate converted from a former manor estate called Casa de Corazon–Dona Isobel’s family home. Through careful investments and the Inn for tourism, the de la Buenaventura’s estate thrived–despite lagging grain prices for their crops.

Returning to the Casa de Corazon late around 10pm–well before the inn’s requested 11pm guest curfew–so that the inn may be locked and secured for the night–David encounters the olive complexioned with lustrous brunette haired beauty Dona Isobel at the front desk poring over reservation records as a desk clerk attends to most guests’ needs. After David receives the messages taken for him while he was out, he looks over at the engrossed Dona Isobel. Then he risks an impertinence.

David: “Buenas noches, Dona Isobel.”

Looking up from her report, Isobel gazes at their guest and faintly recognizes him as a return visitor.

Isobel: “Buenas noches, Senor …”

Clerk: “Fiske.” He supplies helpfully.

Isobel: “Senor Fiske.” She nods politely, but is not courteous beyond the common way. Since finishing her degree in hotel management, Isobel has returned to the family business eager to apply what she has learned.

David: “It is a fine night out.” He smiles casually at her.

Isobel: “Looking up from her computer screen, she nods. “It is, indeed.” And then as if to ward off further his attempts by him at conversation, she adds. “I wish you a good evening.” She smiles cordially, then she returns to her spreadsheet.

David: Turning to the desk clerk, David says. “I think that I’m going to take a stroll on the terraza before bed. Please do not lock me out.” He quips half in jest, half in earnest entreaty.

The clerk nods and David walks to the back of the first floor and opens the double glass paneled doors off the dining room that lead to the terrace/terraza. It is a crystal clear moonlight night. And the stars twinkle their greeting to him. He gazes up at the stars in awe and in wonder. Then he sees a falling star–a small meteor most likely–and he makes a wish.

Then just about to turn around and head back inside, David sees a small furry animal flash past him.

Isobel: ‘Tina! Tina!   She calls out frantically as the small dog outpaces her as it heads in David’s direction.

Scooping up the small dog like a soccer goalie, David hands the wayward pup back to its rightful owner.

David: “There you go!” Tall, dark, and handsome with an air of mystery about him, David smiles cordially.

Isobel: “My very great thanks to you, Senor.” Then she smiles gratefully at him as she hugs her puppy.

Though only pleasantries have been exchanged, this is a beginning. And David further cements this auspicious event with a kiss to her hand.

David: “My Lady.”

Then he gazes at her with his piercing blue eyes as they settle upon her green flecked brown eyes. A lovely end to a lovely evening.


About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
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1 Response to Sexy SatuRdAy!: Richard Armitage in Barcelona Nocturne Wallpaper, June 20, 2015 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #770)

  1. June 20, 2015–Thanks for liking this post!

    Carolyn & Servetus


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