WCW:  Finding yet another new fragrance, at my age,  February 06, 2019 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #1211)

This week, I reached another milestone in my life.  I have to find yet another new fragrance because my previously current fragrance was discontinued.    And then there is the whole decision to make of whether you wear perfume, eau de cologne, or a body mist.  To that list, I would also add the choice body powders and body lotions scented with one’s fragrance.  Snap!  By comparison, car shopping selection is easier than picking a new fragrance.

Growing up, I wasn’t like my Grandmother or Mother who wore legacy fragrances of Emeraude by Coty (in a green clear bottle and packaging) and Replique (in red packaging), respectively.  Nice fragrances, but perhaps a bit strong for a young girl—as I was at the time.  Yet these and other strong fragrances are great if your sense of smell is going and you still want to be able to smell yourself—but in a good way.

So  I branched out and went through many trendy fragrances in my teens, twenties, and thirties starting in the 1970’s:  Chantilly, Charlie, Chanel  No. 5, White Shoulders, to name a few, etc.   And I was actually amazed at how many of my own personal former fragrance choices turned up on the trendy fragrance list in the link  above—that I found later–about  vintage fragrances.  Either I had very good taste/smell in fragrances, or I was a sucker for their advertising at the time.  Ha!

And though the body musk fragrance trend caught on for a while–and still lingers—I prefer a fresh clean scent, hence the floral fragrances that I tend to wear. I know that the musk scents are supposed to be evocative and sexy—as if one’s own pheromones were on parade.   But it makes no sense to me to bathe/shower, then put on a musk scent–which makes others think that you haven’t bathed/showered.


As I grew older, I favored lighter floral scents over more highly crafted—and expensive–fragrances.  For many years, the Calgon Tropical Dream  (image below, left) body mist was my go to fragrance.  It was a light floral scent that made me think of light sandy beaches, palm trees, and vibrant flowers.  But our time together did not last—or at least, the fragrance’s availability dwindled at our town’s Walgreens store.

Then the CVS Pharmacy fragrance Forever Paris  (image above, right) body mist became a stalwart fragrance option for me for the last several years.  Again, it was a light floral fragrance that I received many compliments about.  But alas, now it seems that Forever Paris is no longer available—so, not forever–and I must go seeking another fragrance.

My limited search to date for an under $15 fragrance found me back at CVS–and back to Calgon body mist sprays—my first option is the body mist scent of  Tahitian Orchid  (image below, left) floral fragrance, 8 oz for $7.99.  It is a bit stronger floral scent than I am used to.  So we’ll see if I like it long term.

Although, with our younger doggie’s penchant for finding  lingering skunk stink to roll around in somewhere in our back yard, I might as well just switch my fragrance to Febreze Linen & Sky (image above, right) scent.  That way my perfume, and my house, office, and car scents won’t be in competition with each other. Ha!  And though not a floral scent, Linen & Sky does smell fresh.

And I hope that whatever scent I choose has some staying power.  So what was/is your favorite perfume/cologne/body mist?

P.S.  I so wish that WordPress had a scratch and sniff feature.  But in the meantime, the next time you are in a pharmacy, try the perfume tester bottles on different patches of your skin, then sniff yourself—in a good way–to see which fragrance you prefer.

About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
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7 Responses to WCW:  Finding yet another new fragrance, at my age,  February 06, 2019 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #1211)

  1. Lady Grayse says:

    There are so many different ones these days, it’s hard to pick.
    When I was a teenager, Jean Naté’s lemon-scented splash was a favorite, as was Yardley’s Lavender. In my twenties, Giorgio Beverly Hills & Liz Taylor’s White Diamonds were what I mostly wore, with Tea Rose saved for special occasions.
    Those were all minor flirtations, I suppose, since the only one perfume I’ve consistently worn (since I was young & when Mama gave me her blessing to wear perfume of any sort) is Chanel No. 5. I have my own bottle of cologne as well as Mama’s now ~19 year old bottle of perfume (which I keep in the fridge).
    Most days (like 99% of the time), I don’t wear it so I smell like whichever coconut or chocolate body wash I showered with. 😁😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Lady Grayse, Thanks for your nice note! I had forgotten about Jean Nate. And I used to gave a vanilla scented hand lotion, but one of my advisers always jokingly asked me where th cookies were. Ha! Cheers ! Grati;-)


  2. dededotti says:

    Tova signature.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. jazzbaby1 says:

    Scents I have loved: Love’s Baby Soft and Musky Jasmine, Victoria’s Secret Vanilla, Wings, The Body Shop’s Anyana, Clinique Happy, ckOne, and currently philosophy’s Amazing Grace

    Liked by 1 person

  4. February 06, 2019–Thanks for voting/starring my SAL blog Post #1211 about fragrances! I’m glad that you enjoyed it! Cheers! Grati ;-:



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