Wild Card Wednesday: Which Richard Armitage Character Would you Prefer for Your Boyfriend? (PG-13) 1/16/13 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #345)

There was a fun quiz that Faboamanto tweeted the link for the other day regarding who might be one’s literary boyfriend.  She got Darcy.  I got Heathcliff.  I’m always with the drama queens.  Ha!  Happily, my real life hubby ended up to be a bit more sanguine than Heathcliff, has a better sense of humor, yet he still retains all of the seething passion.  Snap!

So I thought that it would be fun for me to come up with a quiz that might help us identify who our preferred Richard Armitage Character as Boyfriend might be.  I am only marginally harkening back to one of my earliest blog posts (#14) for research on creating some of the questions and foils/answer choices.  But I link it here since it is a rather popular blog essay of mine that you might also enjoy.

The Richard Armitage Character as Boyfriend Quiz  below has no scientific validity, FaultBehindtheScenesVidCap3hi-resDec2812CapbyGratianaLovelaceBigis not reliable, and it will surely tick someone off because their character is not represented or they don’t get him as their Richard Armitage character as boyfriend when they look at the answer key (no peeking).  Ha!

Oh and for a heart stoppingly gorgeous Richard Armitage portrait to inspire us, here is my screen cap (right) from the January 2013 FAULT magazine photoshoot video.  Now Ladies remember, when you zoom your screen in for a virtual kiss–and you will–be sure that you are wearing only clear lip gloss.  Lipstick is so hard to get off of these LCD screens.  Ha!

Oh Dear!  I get so easily distracted by Richard Armitage’s eyes, lips, nose, hand and stubble.  Hhhhhh!  So, let’s segue briefly to indulge ourselves with some of Richard Armitage’s best kissing scenes in the fun video “Richard Armitage – Passionate Kisses” by colinfever:

*Fanning myself*   I am just a puddle of womanly essence right now.  Sighhhh!

Okay, regrouping.  So let’s have a go with the Richard Armitage Character as Boyfriend Quiz, shall we?  A key will be shared at the end of this post to help you identify which Richard Armitage–that is, which of RA’s character portrayals are your preferred boyfriend material–such that you want to kiss, cuddle, conjoin, conjugate, canoodle, and have coitus without interruptus.  *wink*  Please choose only one answer for each of the five questions–tough love.  Ha!

  1.  You meet your RA character as boyfriend cutely when your car has a flat tire and cars are whizzing by you.  How do you want your RA character boyfriend to respond to your travel predicament?
    a. he calls a tow truck for you on his cell phone
    b. he sets about to changing your tire himself
    c.  he assigns one of his workers to the task of changing it for you
    d. he gives you a pony to ride
    e.  he binds your wrists and sits next to  you for three months in a carriage/wagon bound for the Holy Land
    f. he loans you his Land Rover to drive around in
    g. he hotwires a luxury automobile in the parking space next to yours for you to use 
  2. For your first evening date of dinner and a movie out, your RA character as boyfriend plans to:
    a. involve you in a clandestine meeting on a bridge near the river Thames, then he whisks you  to Claridge’s Hotel for dinner a deux involving oysters, chocolate, strawberries, and champagne–forget the movie
    b. introduce you to bangers and mash at the local pub, then he takes you to see the classic farm animal film “Babe”
    c. eschew the expected lavish dining display; so he invites you to his  new worker’s cafeteria to show you that he has a heart;  then he takes you to see “Dr. Zhivago”
    d. offer you a torn off piece of some of the smoked venison from his saddle bag; then he sings  you a fabled story “Far Over, the Misty Mountains Cold” as you  sit together on a rocky perch gazing at Erebor, The Lonely Mountain in the distance
    e.fete you at an elaborate banquet with half the village present–intending to spring a wedding on you;  then he takes you to see “The War of the Roses”
    f. make you steak tartare, but he forgets to cook it a little bit to kill bacteria–and that kills the romance later;  the dvd he rents for the two of you is “Wallstreet”
    g.  blind fold you, tie you up, and stuff you in the boot of his Range Rover–and you end up at an abandoned warehouse that turns out to be a roving RAVE party with buffet for SAS Agents; then later, you watch “For Your Eyes Only”

    3.  Your first kiss with your RA character boyfriend is very important.  You are pleased that his kissing technique involves:
    a. guiding your head into position as he leans down to claim your lips for his own
    b. brushing his teeth first since he has a fondness for peppery spiced sausages
    c. feather light kisses at first that deepen to open mouth kissing (but no tongues, yet) again, and again, and again, and again
    d. skin exfoliation benefits since his full beard is sure to rough up your face a bit as he kisses your lips with smouldering ferocity
    e. lingering lips nibble before they suck, but only after you have offered up your lips to this lord
    f. keeps his hands to himself, but lets his lips and tongue do the talking as he collects your kissing with tongues third date debt, with interest
    g. liasing with your lips until all parties are satisfied that all avenues of advance have been explored

    4. Your first time making love with your RA character boyfriend can best be described as:
    a.   top secret, code word clearance, eyes only–well, not quite  eyes only *wink*
    b.  a baseline for future improvement with a willing pupil
    c.   non-existent until the  banns are read, the vows exchanged, the ring is on your finger, and the marriage license   conferred–only when honor is satisfied may you both be satisfied
    d.   a noble quest to plunder your very soul as he plays you like a harp until you resonate in making beautiful music together
    e.  a full body embrace that leaves no doubt in your mind of his need to possess every fiber of your being in a sensual exploration of your womanhood and his manhood; lace and leather, lithe and limber, libidinous licentiousness,  leads to  langorous laying about   *fanning self*
    f.  a really “gripping accountant”–spread sheet, remove encumbrances, yield, merger, declining balance method, compound interest,  joint return, outstanding!
    g.  field training– letting you make the first move as your kisses move from his lips to his muscular neck, then he dips you over the hospital exam table and his kisses and caresses cover every inch of your exposed skin and CGI silhouetted breast–  illustrating why SAS agents are licensed to thrill

    5. You know that this is true love when your RA character as boyfriend proposes to you by saying:
    a.“What happens now?”
    b.  “Shall we, hold hands, then?”
    c. “I had no thought for your reputation.  I want to marry you because I love you.”
    d. “Loyalty, honor, a willing heart, I can ask no more than that.”
    f. “I know that we will always be happy.”
    g. “Brave girl, brave girl.”


Richard Armitage Character Boyfriend Key (in case you were in any doubt) and linked to the RANet career pages:
a, Lucas North           b. John Standring                 c.  John Thornton
d.  Thorin Oakenshield    e.  Sir Guy of Gisborne                f.  Harry Kennedy
g.  John Porter

Interpreting your Richard Armitage Character as Boyfriend Choices (I am bluffing, here):

  1.  If all five of your question choices are the same RA character as boyfriend, you are either a one man woman, or needing to bRoAden your interests to other RA chaRActers.   In the case of RA, more is always … well … more.  And don’t worry about the height difference–with RA being much taller than you/me.  Everyone is the same height … lying down.  *wink*
  2. If four of your question choices are the same RA character as boyfriend, you are devoted in appreciating the finer qualities of that RA character–with your fifth and unrelated choice being an outlier, or perhaps your guy-lty pleasure.
  3. If three of your question choices are the same RA character as boyfriend–and the other two choices are the same other character, for two total different RA character represented–you might  have divided loyalties, but you also have clear favorites.   And men–even virile sex god heartthrobs like Richard Armitage need clear indicators of our acceptance of his/their attentions.  Is RA kidding about him not thinking that he is sexy?  Bring it on, fella!  Giggles!
  4. However, if three of your question choices are the same RA character as boyfriend–and the other two choices are each different RA characters, giving you three different RA characters as boyfriends represented in total–you might be considering tag teaming your paRAmours, by having an RA character for each of your different moods (naughty, nice, DIY).
  5. If only two of your question choices are the same RA character as boyfriend, you might be looking around for more RA chaRActer as boyfriend inspiRAtion.  Some other potential RA chaRActer as boyfriends not mentioned in the quiz above include Ricky Deeming, Claude Monet, Percy Courtenay, John Mulligan, Heinz Kruger, Philip Turner, Dr. Alec Track, Paul Andrews, Lee Preston, Gary Morris, and Captain Ian Macalwain, etc.
  6. If you chose five different RA character as boyfriends, you might be more enamored of Richard Armitage the man than one of his characters.  To that I say, who can blame you?  You go girl!

Thanks for playing along with my Richard Armitage Character as Boyfriend Quiz.  I hope that you had giggly good natured fun!  My flirty facetious chip was in full flower today.  Ha!

About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
This entry was posted in Creative Writing, Love and Relationships, Multi-Character RA, North & South, Richard Armitage, Sexy, Sir Guy of Gisborne, Sparkhouse, Spooks, Strike Back, The Hobbit, Thorin and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

37 Responses to Wild Card Wednesday: Which Richard Armitage Character Would you Prefer for Your Boyfriend? (PG-13) 1/16/13 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #345)

  1. jazzbaby1 says:

    I got John Thornton. How did that happen?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. collarcitybrownstone says:

    This was fun! I thought that I would get John Thornton for all five but I didn’t. Instead I got John Standring, John Thornton twice, Lucas North and Thorin.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. For ladies who want Monsieur Monet, here is how his question choices might look from a Monet perspective now and see who might like to choose him:
    1) flat tire–Monet would paint your expression of despair at having a flat tire
    2) dinner date and movie–dinner would consist of the still life he had painted earlier in the day; the “movie” would be “The Impressionists”, of course.
    3) first kiss–Monet is all lips and moustache, nibbling and tickling as he goes
    4) making love–lots of fun! a romp! but other artists should not interrupt him ( http://www.richardarmitagenet.com/images/gallery/Impressionists/album/ep1/TI1_072.jpg)
    5) proposal–“Voulez vous …” Does he need to get farther than that before we say oui, oui, oui!?!


  4. Ania says:

    I like this quiz, very funny. :) I’ve always said that Mr. Thornton is my number 1 in my heart, and here such a surprise, because I got J. Standring and J. Thornton twice and once Lucas. I wonder what this result says about me? Am I unstable in my feelings? lol!
    (And btw, my literary boyfriend is Mr. Darcy)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Ania,
      Thanks for your nice note! I’m glad that you enjoyed the quiz!

      Standring and Thornton are your boyfriend muses? Well, both would sacrifice everything for the girl they love.

      And Lucas as the alternate might mean that you like a reclamation project–of helping him overcome his past and create a happy future.
      Cheers! Grati ;->


  5. Ana Cris says:

    That was very good because all results were perfect!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Fabi says:

    Neat quiz! I got five different chaRActers. :)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Fabi!
      Five RA characters! Wow! It occurs to me that multiple RA characters sitting around talking sound like “sloth” fiction. Ha! We could have an RA character for every need. I will let your imagination fill that one in. Ha!
      Cheers! Grati ;->


  7. april73 says:

    Excellent Gratiana !!! :-)

    My result is Nr 6. :-)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. april73 says:

    A reblogué ceci sur April's violet and commented:
    Very funny test “Which Richard Armitage character would you prefer for your boyfriend ?” by Gratiana Lovelace. :-)

    Liked by 1 person

  9. 1/17/13–The DSSGOG (Did Someone Say Guy of Gisborne) Tumblr (http://didsomeonesayguyofgisborne.tumblr.com/post/40790440163/guy-supermassive-black-hole-by-therafrenzy-im) tweeted this fabulous TheRAFrenzy video:


    Dang! I don’t know how I missed seeing this video before. I am definitely leaning on Sir Guy now as my possible RA character boyfriend crush. Well, “toward” Sir Guy anyway. Ha!

    Cheers! Grati ;->


  10. Is it possible to imagine a caracter between Thorin and Thornton ? We do !

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Legenda 62: Stuff worth reading « Me + Richard Armitage

  12. Pingback: Would You Spend the Night With Richard Armitage? » Collar City Brownstone

  13. Pingback: Would You Spend the Night With Richard Armitage? - Collar City Brownstone

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