Fun Day Sunday: “Can’t Fight this Feeling” of Admiring Richard Armitage (Glee)”–A RAFN 1 yr Anniversary Video, 6/24/12 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #215)

The Richard Armitage Friends Network (RAFN) is an unofficial group of ladies from around the world who share with each other our admiration for Richard Armitage via literary and film analysis, writing, vidding, and other creative outlets.  And RAFN celebrates our one year anniversary this weekend on June 24-25, 2012!

The ladies of RAFN are all wonderful, beautiful, unique, and special individuals. The breadth of amazing talent that they possess for art, writing, graphics, blogging, vidding, careers, volunteering, caring, sharing, family, and friendship, etc., is dizzying and accomplished. So Sunday June 24th and spilling over into Monday June 25th, with our celebrating RAFN’s first anniversary, is really a celebration of Richard Armitage AND about all of the ladies of RAFN from around the world! Go Global Team Armitage!

And we have to thank–if only virtually–the man who has made our friendships and creativity possible: Richard Crispin Armitage. He has given us the shared experiences of his storytelling as a common thread among our diverse lives and backgrounds. He has also inspired in many of us the will to explore our own creativity. And through his sometimes shy, often very private, and always humble gentlemanly ways he has reminded us and everyone that there are people of honor and integrity in the public sphere worthy of our admiration.

So, we hope that you enjoy our video, “Can’t Fight this Feeling” of Admiring Richard Armitage (Glee)”:

P.S. This video was a collaborative effort by the ladies of RAFN who supplied the images either from their own files or via RANet ( or RAC ( and other sources as noted in the video’s credits.  And I/Grati formatted the images and created the video.   The song is “Can’t Fight this Feeling” performed by Glee (love them!). This video is for personal use and enjoyment only. No copyright infringement is intended.

About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
This entry was posted in Creativity, Multi-Character RA, North & South, Richard Armitage, Robin Hood, Sparkhouse, Spooks, The Hobbit, Video and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to Fun Day Sunday: “Can’t Fight this Feeling” of Admiring Richard Armitage (Glee)”–A RAFN 1 yr Anniversary Video, 6/24/12 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #215)

  1. Kitty says:

    I love it, Gratiana!!! You couldn’t have picked a better line than “come crashing through your door.” With every project, I feel like my admiration for Mr. Armitage gets a jolt, a crashing through that shows how much he can stretch himself into unbelievable believability. WoW! Thanks for all your hard work, for the hours and thought you put into our fantastic fanatics. You are a great facilitator and I appreciate how you’ve brought us all together. I celebrate you! Hugs, Babe!


    • Hi Kitty,
      Thanks so much for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. Really, RAFN was just serendipitous–me being organized. Ha! It is you and all of the other ladies who joined RAFN that make it a vibrant living thing.
      I especially like how you weave new posts from related threads off of my and others’ story or character analysis posts. Your posts are very insightful and always take an idea to the next level.
      You’re the best! Cheers! Grati ;->


  2. Such a RomAntic video!
    A sweet declaRAtion of love and admiRAtion, with a touch of humor.
    Thank you for the cReAtive time you dedicated to the editing of this lovely movie.
    I like and treasure it!


    • Hi Cassia,
      You are very kind. Thanks to you and everyone who contributed images and quotes for the video. It was a real collaborative effort. I’m so glad you liked how it turned out.
      Cheers! Grat ;->
      P.S. I enabled the video for downloading should you and other ladies wish to put it on your computers. I’ll warn you, it’s about 22MB with all of the images. Ha!


  3. Grati, you have put together all our thoughts and feelings into song and pictures. I just adore all the photos our lovely group of ladies added to make your creation possible. From the moment i laid eyes on Richard I knew I couldn’t “fight this feeling” and didn’t want to.
    You are a real trooper and fantastic facilitator. Thank you for bringing us all together by starting this wacky little group of Richard Armitage admirers. Okay, let’s just admit it. WE ARE TOTAL FANGURLS!


    • Hi Jeannie,
      Thank you for your lovely note. I really appreciate your kind words!

      And we are a giggly fun group of gals in RAFN. And though we are in earnest for our admiration of Richard Armitage as an actor and storyteller, none of us take ourselves too seriously. Ha! We all mesh well with one another.

      And Richard Armitage is going to have to face facts soon–he is going to be a mega star when The Hobbit is released! Let’s hope that the media treat RA with the courtesy and respect that we feel for him. Fingers crossed.

      Cheers! Grati ;->


  4. Brilliant video Grati to commemorate 1º RAFN birthday.I was thrilled seeing it.Thank you for spending so much of your time making it and also to thank you for your kind words about us.You have made many RA fans very happy when created this group.The time flies when
    we´re participating or just reading the comments in it.
    And the most extraordinary of all this, is that through the RAFN , we have made friends in all parts of world.It´s very good to know that in some place of the world, there´s someone that respect and have friendship for you. All this wouldn´t be possible, if you Grati, had not created the RAFN. I hope that it can have breath for many birthdays, as well as our mui beloved and talented actor,Richard Armitage,that without him, this wonderful group wouldn´t exist .
    Hugs! And Have a wondeRful SundAy,Grati!


    • HI Tereza,
      I am deeply touched by your lovely note. I appreciate your kindness more than words can say. I feel very blessed to have you and all the RAFN ladies in my life every day.

      When I opened up our little RAFN group one year ago, I had no idea that we would grow to be almost 100 ladies strong as we are today. As long as ladies wish to share about Richard Armitage and his artistic projects, RAFN will be a haven for us to do that.

      And that we are sharing our thoughts, opinions, and feelings about the artistic projects of Richard Armitage with each other is such a gift of storytelling/literary insights, friendship, encouragement, mentoring, and the beautiful artwork devoted to Richard Armitage that you and others create.

      Blessings and my grateful thanks to you and all the ladies of RAFN.

      Cheers, Hugs, & Love! Grati


  5. Pingback: Legenda 32: Stuff worth reading « Me + Richard Armitage

  6. Jane Noble says:

    Grati, i’m not great at writing down my feeling,but i can say that this is a fantastic video that you have put together, i wouldn’t have expected anything less from you … over the past year you have brought us all together in the special group …. you have worked so hard keeping us entertained … i thank you from the bottom of my heart .. you are one special lady <3 <3 <3


    • Hi Jane,
      You are too sweet! Thank you for your lovely words. I feel truly blessed and humbled to count you and everyone as friends across the miles.

      I feel very humbled by the fun that we all have sharing our thoughts about Richard Armitage and his artistic projects. I have learned so much from everyone.

      My forming RAFN was truly serendipitous. But the credit goes to you and our other gal pals in RAFN that we have such a vibrant, diverse, welcoming, cohesive, and cutting edge (news wise) group. I just opened the “sandbox” for everyone to play in.

      And of course, sharing our experiences and insights with each other about Mr. Armitage’s artistic performances and how they touched and continue to touch our lives is a joy!

      Cheers, Love, and Hugs! Grati ;->


  7. bccmee says:

    It’s such a lovely video. I especially like how you incorporated multiple Richard Armitage pictures per frame. I must watch it again!


    • Hi Bccmee,
      Thanks for your kind note! Some of the RAFN ladies are asking for the slides where I placed their RA image or quote or caption. So I’m messaging that to them over on FB. But, I might put one or more of the slides up here on Wednesday–like the Thorin quote slide, etc.
      Cheers! Grati


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