Fun Day Sunday–Richard Armitage Gaze Fest 2012: Heaven Shines in Lucas’ Smile Wallpaper, 10/21/12 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #292)

Sorry for the short post today.  But since I’m supposed to rest my left eye due to corneal abrasions, I decided to rest my eyes on this fellow:   Richard Crispin Armitage.

I created the Lucas North wallpaper (1) above last Tuesday and added it to my resources list after sharing it in RAFN.  But I hadn’t shared it in a post here on my blog yet.  I’m particularly proud of giving the Lucas North character portrait from the BBC’s Spooks a top to his head.   Snap!  Although, it was the head top of the other character in the original image.  Ha!   And I had to recreate Lucas’ left side because I removed the said other character from the image.  And then I resampled the aqua blue background to create a clear space for the phrase and the other smiling profile image that I inserted.  Snap!  Snap!   There is a slight quirk to the final main Lucas image that I created–a nod to it being a photo manipulation by an amateur like me.  Can you guess what that quirk is?

Then again, maybe all this intense viewing and graphic manipulation of Richard Armitage portraits caused my corneal abrasion.  Nahhhhhh!    Gazing upon Richard Armitage only improves one’s vision.

Now (Saturday morning when I scheduled this post), I think I will listen to one of Mr. Armitage’s five hour Georgette Heyer audiobook readings as I rest my eyes–either Venetia, or The Convenient Marriage, that are both in my library of RA artistic projects.  I am asking for RA’s 12 hour audio book reading of Lords of the North  by Bernard Cornwell for my birthday coming up in November. I’m leaning toward listening to The Convenient MarriageTCM is a humorous romp of a story about romantic escapades and expectations gone awry and amiss.  The worldly romantic swain Lord Rule finds his match in his innocent but precocious child bride Horatia Winwood.  And you haven’t lived until you’ve listened to the Shakespearean trained velvety baritone voiced and searingly masculine Richard Armitage transform his vocal instrument into the 17 year old ingénue child bride Horatia, whose voice is a high pitched petulant and pouty quiver–with a nervous stammer.  Giggles!   The man–Richard Armitage–is an amazing storyteller!  Lord Rule come to me!

P.S.   “Seeing Beauty” Readers, You will have a new chapter on Monday.  The eye thing kind of got in the way of me posting more this week.  The only reason I had my Friday post was because I had it pre-scheduled by Wednesday–before the eye thing took hold.  I was healing nicely with a contact lens bandage to protect my eye.  But I had a setback on Friday when they took the lens out.  And two hours later after a work meeting, I had to go back to the doctor for him to put a new contact lens bandage in.  Sighhh!


(1)     The original portrait (brightened, sharpened, cropped, resampled) of Richard Armitage portraying Lucas North is from Spooks  series 8, episode 7, pix 83 on RANet and was found at ; the smaller image to the right in profile  (flipped, sharpened) was found at;  more information about Richard Armitage portraying Lucas North in Spooks (2008-2010), in particular, this is series 8, may be found at

(2)     I modified the original Richard Armitage portraying Lucas North image to create the wallpaper that you see here using Microsoft Powerpoint (for image and text layering)  and using Adobe Photoshop (for Image finessing/sharpening/resampling and final image processing).

(3)     N.B.:  Here is the link that I hyperlinked above to an early essay of mine bemoaning the loss of the top of Richard Armitage’s head in character portrait images:

(4)     N.B.:  Here are the links for the Georgette Heyer audio books Richard Armitage voices:  The Convenient Marriage  info is found at; and Venetia info is found at ; finally, The Lords of the North audio book of Bernard Cornwell’s book info is found at

About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
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18 Responses to Fun Day Sunday–Richard Armitage Gaze Fest 2012: Heaven Shines in Lucas’ Smile Wallpaper, 10/21/12 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #292)

  1. Hope your eye is better soon. Love the wallpaper above with that little smile of RA. He looks like he’s saying, “So, ladies…..are you coming to see me in The Hobbit?”


  2. fitzg says:

    I do hope that eye heals SOON! No doubt resting the eye on that pic has helped. :D


    • Hi Fitzg,
      Me too! This eye thing came on so suddenly. But if I have to wear a contact lens bandage for a while, so be it. It’s clear for me to see through. Of course, I could always add an eye patch. Halloween is coming up. Ha!
      And “resting” my eyes has helped tremendously. Snap!
      Cheers! Grati ;->


  3. Fabi says:

    Hi Grati,
    Gorgeous wallpaper! Love Lucas’ seductive look there.
    I hope your eye can heal well. Take care!


    • Hi Fabi,
      Thank you for your kind note! RA as Lucas is so smoulderingly sexy. I only listened to the first 2 hours of “The Convenient Marriage” on Saturday. So, I have the other three hours to finish later today while I rest my eyes. I just love RA theRApy!
      Cheers! Grati ;->


  4. Summer says:

    Nice Lucas wallpaper! Wishing you a full recovery while listening to the best story teller :)


    • Hi Summer,
      Thanks for your kind words about my wallpaper! I’m hoping that my left eye improves. It has been problematic for a while now. RA’s storytelling awaits me!
      Cheers! Grati ;->
      P.S. But first, I have to prep Monday’s “Seeing Beauty” chapter post.


  5. Tereza says:

    You, an amateur? Are you kidding me ? You have made a wonderful job putting a top head in Lucas. I loved this Wallpaper. Now, what bettter way to rest your eyes. Listening those funny stories told by Richard.
    I think… ( this expression reminds me Richard saying good night in the final of the bedtime stories)… of this way, there will be someone that aren´t going to have so much rush to stay good soon. Lol!
    Hugs and have a Great Sunday ,GRAti!


    • Hi Tereza,
      You are too kind and very sweet about my Lucas wallpaper. I’m glad that you liked it.
      And ooh, yes! Having Richard Armitage to listen to telling stories is a complete delight!
      You have a gReAt Sunday, too! Hugs and love, Grati ;->


  6. Ania says:

    Hi Grati,
    Great wallpaper!Hmm I love his piercing glance. *Sigh*
    Oh RAtherapy is the best therapy.:) I hope that your eyes will be healthy soon. Take care! Hugs.


    • Hi Ania,
      Thanks for your nice compliment about my wallpaper. With Richard Armitage as the subject, you can’t go wrong. Ha! And he is so “easy” on the eyes. Sighh!
      Hugs and Cheers! Grati ;->


  7. Servetus says:

    Don’t like corneal abrasions and hope you are doing better soon. Is RA good for treating vision problems? Would it work on my dad?


    • Hi Serv,
      Me neither on the eye problems. Thanks for your well wishes.
      I know that RA is good theRApy for me. But maybe your dad might prefer the ever lovely Raquel Welch. Here is something just for him, sweet and sexy:

      Cheers! Grati ;->


  8. aj daisy says:

    Hope you eye gets better soon Grati I have all Richard’s audio books I love them all but my favourite is Lords of the North. He does all of the voices so brilliantly it’s as if you are there you will really love it. Take Care


    • Hi AJ Daisy,
      Thanks for your well wishes. I look forward to receiving “Lords of the North” from my hubby.
      I have listened to excerpts of it and Richard Armitage is even more amazing as a storyteller with these accents. I wonder if LOTN helped RA get into a Middle Earth vocal groove?
      Cheers! Grati ;->


  9. katie70 says:

    I hope your eye gets better and is not to painful. The wallpaper is great and I would say that would be a sight for sore eyes or one that is hurt. Take care and rest your eye.


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