An Unofficial Richard Armitage Fan Friends Thanksgiving Dinner on Facebook, November 26-27, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #662)

On Thursday, November 27th, 2014-all day long, all time zones, pop in when you can–we are hoping that those who wish to, might “virtually” share in this very unofficial, come when you can, but hopefully fun Richard Armitage Fan Friends Thanksgiving Dinner potluck meal on Facebook and here on this blog.


christmas pudding with custard
Because of course, a holiday without the exquisitely talented British actor Richard Armitage, is like a turkey dinner without plum pudding (right).

As an aside, I was trying to find some plum pudding–a Grati family holiday food staple from our Brit ancestors–the food is really a dense chocolate cake with raisins, rum, etc.   But I ended up with something the Brits refer to as spotted dick. How appropriate. Ha! Oh well, I’ll make my usual brown sugar glaze for it which will probably neutralize any taste differential.

This RA Fan Friends Thanksgiving Dinner event is an “open” invitation.  So feel free to invite your RA Friends whom I might not know to invite on Facebook and elsewhere. The more the merrier. Or if you or your RA Fan friends are not on Facebook, this blog post will also serve as an unofficial RA Fan Friends Thanksgiving Dinner party hub.

And though the tradition of “Thanksgiving” was initiated in the US with the Pilgrims, in the 1600’s, the concept of breaking bread together in sharing is universal. And though we live near and far, we are all friends across the miles.

So if you are “coming” to the virtual (and unofficial) Richard Armitage Fan Friends Thanksgiving Dinner, please share 3 things:
1) describe what virtual side dish of food that you will bring as your contribution, the MovingOn_036RichardArmitage-asJohnMulliganMay2913ranet-crop-sizedturkey is provided; notice Richard Armitage portraying John Mulligan in Moving On: Drowning, Not Waving (image right via RANet) has his fork at the ready for something delicious. Oh to be the fork!   Purrrr!
2) which Richard Armitage character (or himself) is your “date” (pictures welcome); and
3) what “thanks” or blessings that you wish to share;

After “our virtual meal” on Thursday (starting at 10am CST, Chicago time), we might play some parlor games–such as an RA Trivia Contest . So check back for trivia question polls on Thursday at the bottom of this post. Brush up on your Richard Armitage knowledge–also known as Armitagnosis–for the RA Trivia Contest–which can include RA pictures.

Other ideas are welcome for sharing in our day together.

So either visit other RA Fan Friends on Facebook to RSVP, share your 3 things, and to play along:

Or, you may leave your RSVP, three things, and to play along in a comment below on Wednesday and/or Thursday.

In any event, I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Cheers, Blessings, Hugs, & Love! Grati ;->

P.S. And while you are online anyway over the next three days (through early Friday), please remember to vote often for Richard Armitage in Round 4 of the BBC Anglophenia Favorite Man of 2014 contest. Richard Armitage has fierce competition from the DT fans. Go Global Team Armitage! (FYI. I changed the RA portrait on my graphic to more of a stubbly chin portrait. Sighhhh!)



Richard Armitage Thanksgiving Trivia Contest (with new questions on the even numbered hours throughout the day)

8am CST

10am CST


12noon CST


2:30pm CST (after my dinner–which was yummy!)
Image from RANet(Thanks!)


5:00pm CST (a little later than planned. Ha!)

For this and other wonderful gifs, visit Did Someone Say Guy of Gisborne (DSSGOG) tumblr at:

This brings to a close our Thanksgiving fun.  Thanks for participating either here on my blog or on Facebook.  We really should make a cookbook of recipes from all of your wonderful side dish suggestions.

Hoping you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Love, Hugs, & Cheers!   Grati ;->

About Gratiana Lovelace

Gratiana Lovelace is my nom de plume for my creative writing and blogging. I write romantic stories in different sub genres. The stories just tumble out of me. My resurgence in creative writing occurred when I viewed the BBC miniseries of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel North & South in February 2010. The exquisitely talented British actor portraying the male lead John Thornton in North & South--Richard Crispin Armitage--became my unofficial muse. I have written over 50 script stories about love--some are fan fiction, but most are original stories--that I am just beginning to share with others on private writer sites, and here on my blog. And as you know, my blog here is also relatively new--since August 2011. But, I'm having fun and I hope you enjoy reading my blog essays and my stories. Cheers! Grati ;-> upd 12/18/11
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14 Responses to An Unofficial Richard Armitage Fan Friends Thanksgiving Dinner on Facebook, November 26-27, 2014 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #662)

  1. Here is my/Grati RA Fan Friends Thanksgiving Dinner RSVP entry from Nov. 23, 2014:

    I/Grati made my famous fudgie brownies with powdered sugar topping yesterday. And I have leftovers to bring to our RA Fans virtual Thanksgiving on Thursday.

    Also, while my hubby dozes in a tryptophan haze on Thursday, I will sneak out and bring Harry Kennedy to our RA Fan Friends gathering on Facebook. Harry is really kissing me in the photo (right). Seriously, I could be Geraldine’s doppelganger. Ha! (Image is My Crazy Captioning XMAS Card from December 2011, Post #69).

    I feel blessed by and give thanks for the many friendships I have made with fellow RA Fans over the years, the creativity for storytelling that Richard Armitage as my muse has inspired in me, and for Richard Armitage as a master storyteller, gentleman, and all around good guy.

    P.S.2 My hubby and I shared our annual communal potluck Thanksgiving dinner at our church after services this morning (Sunday, Nov. 23, when this was written). It’s a joy to see and catch up with people who might go to a different worship service time.

    And a real blessing this year is that the church kitchen remodel–new appliances, but repainted the existing cabinets–included a hot as they come 90 second sterilizer dishwasher–that’s right, each tray of dishes only took 90 seconds to clean after we slid it into the cavity. We cleaned 120 plates and accompanying flatware in no time flat. Believe me, after washing dishes by hand for various church events, this space age dishwasher/sterilizer is a wonder!

    This shared church Thanksgiving meal event is also bookmarked by two other events:
    1) our annual church book sale which earns funds for our outreach committee to use for their programs and their donations to other charitable organizations;

    2) and the annual Thanksgiving food baskets prepared by our church for the poor–some of whom are extended family of older or deceased church members. We might only see these people near the holidays, but they are always included in our donations.

    So although my hubby and I and our dogs will celebrate a rather quiet Thanksgiving at home this year–the 8 pound turkey is thawing in the fridge as I type–we are grateful for the many expressions of goodwill among our many friends near and far. Hoping all of you have a lovely Thanksgiving!


  2. Reblogged this on richardtreehouse and commented:
    Sounds like fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. humma' says:

    …I would bring my Yummy Pumpkin Custard,topped w/ REAL Whipped Cream..!; I would bring…HIMSELF (..yeah..); and I am VERY grateful for ALL RA FANS Around the WORLD!!!..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi humma,
      Thanks for your nice note! I love custard! My grandmother used to make it from scratch. I haven’t had it with pumpkin, though. It sounds delicious!

      Your “bringing” Richard Armitage as your “plus one” is delightful! I wonder if you are in the beard love or clean shaven/stubble camp? Ha!

      And the fact that Mr. Armitage has inspired so many of us with his transformative storytelling–us creating and forging friendships around the world–is a true blessing.
      Happy Thanksgiving! Cheers! Grati ;->


  4. Lady Grayse says:

    Here is my RSVP. I’ll bring the sweet potato souffle (hope everyone likes marshmallows and pecans). And I’ll be accompanied by Thorin Oakenshield. I’m thankful for my friends and family, especially for my new great-niece who I got to hold for the first time tonight.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Lady Grayse,
      Thanks for your nice RSVP! Yummy about the potato souffle! You must share the recipe, please. Thorin is most welcome. We don’t have a throne for him to sit on–not the “real” kind, anyway–but I suppose any chair he sits on becomes his “throne”. Ha! Blessings to you for sharing about your new great-niece! Babies are precious! I have a great-nephew baby. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Cheers! Grati ;->
      P.S. I’m going to add the first “trivia”question in the next few minutes–then add more throughout the day.


  5. Nov. 27, 2014–Thanks for liking this post! And Happy Thanksgiving!



  6. Nov. 27, 2014–Thanks to Fabo Laktuko and Violet Dutchblogger and Perry/Armitage Agonistes for sharing the link for Richard Armitage’s BWW UK award for Leading Actor in The Crucible!

    Mr. Armitage’s colleagues were also recognized with awards: Samantha Colley as Abigail, Anna Madeley as Elizabeth, Adrian Schiller as Rev. John Hale; and the Director Yael Farber. Congratulations to one and all!

    This honor for Mr. Armitage is truly something to be thankful for! Let’s hope that this award is but the first of many for the exquisitely talented British actor Richard Armitage!


  7. Nov. 27, 2014–RANet (Thanks!) tweeted a funny sidebar cap from the Empire Magazine interview with Richard Armitage:


  8. Nov. 27, 2014–If you’re looking for a sweet and short (50pages?) Holiday romance, you might visit my original story “Mr. Romance”:

    The story is set before and during Thanksgiving. It’s about a man chasing love in all the wrong places, who finds the woman of his dreams right under his nose. It is PG-13, and one or two slightly R bits.



  9. Next trivia question to come after I finish eating the Thanksgiving meal I made. Ha! About 2:30pm–in 20minutes.


  10. Nov. 27, 2014–A final Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I think we’re at the point in the evening/day–after the meal, and before we fall asleep–that we might like to take a stroll to stretch our legs a bit. Here is a lovely RA strolling wallpaper image by Ann Boudreau to inspire us. Sighhh!:


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